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Suggested diagnostic protocol for investigation of suspected SLE

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1 Suggested diagnostic protocol for investigation of suspected SLE
Suggested diagnostic protocol for investigation of suspected SLE. *Confirm weak positives or possible false positives by IgG CLIF; **confirm weak positives or possible false positives by ID/CIE/IB. Suggested diagnostic protocol for investigation of suspected SLE. *Confirm weak positives or possible false positives by IgG CLIF; **confirm weak positives or possible false positives by ID/CIE/IB. Antiphospholipid/lupus anticoagulant assays might be necessary if relevant clinical features of an antiphospholipid syndrome are present. ANA, antinuclear antibody; CIE, countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis; CLIF, Crithidia luciliae immunofluorescence; CRP, C reactive protein; dsDNA, double stranded DNA; ELISA, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay; ENA, extractable nuclear antigen; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; ID, immunodiffusion; IB, immunoblotting; PCNA, proliferating cell nuclear antigen. William Egner J Clin Pathol 2000;53: Copyright © by the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd & Association of Clinical Pathologists. All rights reserved.

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