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El fayal-brezal It is located in the driest parts of the Monteverde. It is composed of a few species, such as :

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Presentation on theme: "El fayal-brezal It is located in the driest parts of the Monteverde. It is composed of a few species, such as :"— Presentation transcript:

1 El fayal-brezal It is located in the driest parts of the Monteverde. It is composed of a few species, such as :

2 Fayal (Myrica faya)

3 Heather (Erica arborea)

4 The acebiño (Ilex canariensis)

5 Wildlife is abundant and diverse, with many endemic species like the splendor beetle (Carabus Faustus) and the Canary cleopatra butterfly (Gonepterix cleobule cleobule)

6 The splendor beetle (Carabus Faustus)

7 The Canary cleopatra butterfly (Gonepterix cleobule cleobule)

8 Among vertebrates, the most important are the birds, such as endemic turquoise dove (Columba bollii) and the wild dove (Laurel Pigeon).

9 Turquoise dove (Columba bollii)

10 The wild dove (Laurel Pigeon).

The cutting of trees has had as consequence the disappearing of the associated flora and fauna.

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