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Change, Continuity and Golfs Battle of the Century Bobby Jones vs. Walter Hagen March, 1926.

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Presentation on theme: "Change, Continuity and Golfs Battle of the Century Bobby Jones vs. Walter Hagen March, 1926."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change, Continuity and Golfs Battle of the Century Bobby Jones vs. Walter Hagen March, 1926

2 I. Historical Background Golf emerges as a popular pastime Significance of the Battle of the Century An illustration of trends in popular culture during the 1920s

3 II. Historical Significance Unofficial worlds championship of golf Amateurism vs. Professionalism Birth of the Professional Golfers Association (PGA1916) Significance of the match to each of the players

4 III. The Course of the Match Pre-match ballyhoo Jones as the hero Initial strategy Day of the match arrives The first hole of play Hagens surprising first round strategy

5 III. The Course of the Match (cont.) The 6 th hole of the first afternoon as a turning point Hagen wins the first day Jones appears beaten halfway through the match

6 III. Course of the Match (cont.) The second day of the match begins Jones gives Hagen a match to the very end Hagen defeats Jones 12 and 11 Jones sportsmanship in defeat

7 IV. The Meaning of the Match For Jones supporters For Hagens supporters Jones on the rise as the Emperor of Golf --Lenglen vs. Wills, also in February, 1926 Microcosm of the two mens competitive careers Hagen as the games foremost psychologist

8 IV. The Meaning of the Match (cont.) Jones performance in the match Jones as the worlds leading medalist The relative anonymity of Walter Hagen Hagen as a stereotype of the 1920s

9 IV. The Meaning of the Match (cont.) Hagens love for the big gesture Hagens unorthodox swing Hagens unconventional life off of the course First touring professional golfer

10 IV. The Meaning of the Match (cont.) Hagen: first golfer to earn a million dollars His business ventures alarmed golfs purists The decision to travel as an unattached professional Hagen broke down barriers for other pros

11 IV. The Meaning of the Match (cont.) Hagens other interesting qualities Hagen as a curious blend of character Jones as a representative of continuity and tradition Jones classic swing

12 IV. The Meaning of the Match (cont.) Jones early career Jones socio-economic background Jones had a very different lifestyle than Hagen Jones popularity among spectators

13 IV. The Meaning of the Match (cont.) Jones profits from his amateur status Ambivalent about amateurism Jones as a Victorian gentleman Considerate and kind to opponents

14 IV. The Meaning of the Match (cont.) Jones complex private life Jones modernity vs. his traditionalism Culture Wars of the 1920s The lives of Hagen and Jones reflected these Culture Wars

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