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Bill of Rights Amendments 1-10.

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1 Bill of Rights Amendments 1-10

2 First Amendment Freedom of Religion Freedom of Speech
Freedom of the Press Freedom of Assembly Freedom to Petition

3 First Amendment Purpose: Freedom to practice religion and freedom of speech, of the press, and the right to assemble, along with the right to petition without prosecution or discriminations

4 Second Amendment Protects the right to keep and bear arms Purpose: To keep a military and have protection

5 Third Amendment Stems from grievances found in the Declaration of Independence. The government cannot force you to shelter troops in your house during a time of peace. Purpose: To be free from having to house soldiers during times of peace

6 Fourth Amendment Protects people from unreasonable search and seizures
Police cannot take our homes, property, or selves without a valid warrant based on probable cause Purpose: For people to be secure in their homes against unreasonable searches and seizures

7 Fifth Amendment Protects people from being held for committing a crime unless they are properly indicted, (accused) You may not be tried twice for the same crime (double jeopardy) You don’t have to testify against yourself in court. (Self-incrimination)

8 Sixth Amendment guarantees a speedy trial (you can’t be kept in jail for over a year without a trial) an impartial jury (doesn’t already think you are guilty) that the accused can confront witnesses against them the accused must be allowed to have a lawyer

9 Sixth Amendment Assures the Rights to a speedy, public trial--right of a trial before being convicted for a crime.

10 Seventh Amendment Right to a speedy civil trial and jury
Purpose: To guarantee a trial by jury in civil cases

11 Eight Amendment No excessive bail No cruel and unusual punishment
Purpose: Limits the fines and punishments of the juries so that they are not too harsh.

12 Ninth Amendment Unenumerated Rights
All rights not stated in the Constitution and not forbidden by the Constitution belong to the people. Purpose: Certain rights in the constitution (rights of the people) shall not be used to deny other rights to the people

13 Tenth Amendment Powers reserved to the states
States that any power not granted to the federal government belongs to the states or to the people. Purpose: Powers not given to the US government will be reserved to the states.

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