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Chapter 11: Installing and Managing Printers

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1 Chapter 11: Installing and Managing Printers
jmk tcm343

2 Learning Objectives Explain and apply the fundamentals of Windows 2000 Server printing Install local, network, and Internet printing services in Windows 2000 Server Configure printing services for all types of needs jmk tcm343

3 Learning Objectives (continued)
Manage printers and print services Solve common printing problems jmk tcm343

4 Basic Concepts Print server: A network computer or server device that connects printers to the network for sharing and that receives and processes print requests from print clients Print client: A client computer that generates a print job jmk tcm343

5 Standalone Print Server Devices
Figure Print server devices jmk tcm343

6 Basic Concepts (continued)
Spooling: A process working in the background to enable several print files to go to a single printer. Each file is placed in temporary storage until its turn comes to be printed. Printer driver: A file containing information needed to control a specific printer, implementing customized printer control codes, font, and style information. jmk tcm343

7 Figure 11-2 Printing stages
jmk tcm343

8 How Network Printing Works
A software application creates a print file, communicating with the graphics device interface (GDI) as it creates the file to include printer control information The print file is temporarily spooled at the client The remote print provider at the client makes a remote procedure call to the network print server jmk tcm343

9 How Network Printing Works (continued)
The print file is transmitted to the Server service on the Windows 2000 Server print server At the print server, the “router” (Print Spool service) directs the print file to the print provider The print provider stores the file in the print server’s spooler jmk tcm343

10 How Network Printing Works (continued)
While in the spooler, the print provider works with the print processor to format the printing for the correct data type (such as TEXT or RAW) When the file is completely formatted the print monitor sends the print file from the spooler to the printer jmk tcm343

11 Design Tip When you plan disk space for a Windows 2000 Server, take into account the type of printing at that server and the number of users. For example, if there are times when 50 users are sending 1 MB print files simultaneously, then you need to plan on at least 50 MB of disk space just for the print spooler. jmk tcm343

12 How Internet Printing Works
When an application generates a print file, the file is processed through the client’s browser, which works with the GDI The browser makes a remote procedure call (using the HTTP and IPP protocols) to the Internet Information Services (IIS) in Windows 2000 Server The IIS transfers the print file to the regular Windows 2000 Print Spool service jmk tcm343

13 Print Job Data Type Data type: The way in which information is formatted in a print file, such as with no formatting, text-type formatting, formatting for Windows-based systems, and formatting for postscript systems jmk tcm343

14 Data Types RAW: Used with MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, and UNIX
RAW with FF appended: Puts a form feed code at the end of the print file RAW with FF auto: Checks for a form feed code at the end of the print file and inserts a form feed if one is not present jmk tcm343

15 Data Types TEXT: Used for ANSI-type files, such as from older word processors and text editors Enhanced Metafile (EMF): Used for Windows-based print files that use GDI at the client PSCRIPT1: Used to translate Macintosh Postscript formatted files to non-Postscript jmk tcm343

16 Print Monitors Local port: sends print jobs to a local port, such as LPT1 or COM1 and to a regular file Standard TCP/IP Port: sends print jobs to IP print servers, such as an HP print server card LPR: used to coordinate printing with LPR compatible UNIX, DEC, and IBM mainframe and minicomputers jmk tcm343

17 Print Monitors (continued)
Hewlett-Packard Network Port: used for older HP-type printers with print server cards that do not support TCP/IP but that do support printing through the DLC protocol AppleTalk Printing Devices Port: used for Macintosh clients that communicate via the AppleTalk protocol to PostScript LaserWriter-type printers jmk tcm343

18 Print Monitors (continued)
Pjlmon.dll and Usbmon.dll: monitors that you install manually and that are used for bidirectional printers and printers attached to USB ports jmk tcm343

19 Windows 2000 Server Print Monitors
Table Windows 2000 Server Print Monitors jmk tcm343

20 Sample Candidates That Can Host a Shared Printer
Windows 2000 Server and Professional Windows NT Server and Workstation Windows 98 Windows 95 jmk tcm343

21 Figure 11-3 Shared network printers
Printer Sharing Figure Shared network printers jmk tcm343

22 Printer Installation Depending on the level of Plug and Play sophistication, a printer can be installed in one of several ways, such as: Automatic or manual detection (or a combination of both) using the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard Automatic or manual detection (or a combination of both) using the Add Printer Wizard jmk tcm343

23 Detecting a Newly Connected Printer
jmk tcm343 Figure Add/Remove Hardware Wizard detecting the printer

24 Configuring a Local Printer via the Add Printer Wizard
Figure Setting up a local printer jmk tcm343

25 Troubleshooting Tip If a Plug and Play compatible printer is not automatically detected, make sure that the Plug and Play service is started jmk tcm343

26 Configuring a Print Monitor
During a manual installation process, use the Create a new port radio button to configure a particular print monitor (or configure one later in the printer’s properties) and select from: AppleTalk Printing Devices Hewlett-Packard Network Port Local Port Standard TCP/IP Port jmk tcm343

27 Selecting the Type of Printer
Also during the manual installation process, you can specify the manufacturer and model of printer in order to select the right printer driver jmk tcm343

28 Selecting the Type of Printer (continued)
Figure Entering the type of printer jmk tcm343

29 Specifying a Printer Name and Printer Share Name
During a manual installation, you can specify a printer name and a printer share name jmk tcm343

30 Entering a Printer Share Name
Figure Creating a shared printer jmk tcm343

31 Printer and Printer Share Name Guidelines
Compose names that are easily understood and spelled by those who will use the printer Include a room number, floor, or workstation name to help identify where the printer is located Include descriptive information about the printer, such as the type, manufacturer, or model jmk tcm343

32 Review of the Setup Parameters
When you manually set up a printer, there is the option to review setup parameters jmk tcm343

33 Review of the Setup Parameters (continued)
Figure Printer setup summary jmk tcm343

34 Printer Properties After a printer is set up you can manage the printer’s properties that include: General printer information Printer sharing Printer port setup Printer scheduling and advanced options Security Device settings jmk tcm343

35 General Printer Properties
The general printer properties include: The printer name The printer location A descriptive comment about the printer The printer model The printer’s features jmk tcm343

36 General Printer Properties (continued)
Figure Printer Properties General tab jmk tcm343

37 Sharing Properties The sharing tab is used to:
Enable or disable sharing Specify the share name Publish the printer in the Active Directory (if the Active Directory is installed) Install additional drivers for clients other than Windows 2000 jmk tcm343

38 Sharing Properties (continued)
Figure Configuring printer sharing jmk tcm343

39 Port Properties The Ports tab enables you to:
Associate a printer with a port Set up printer pooling Enable bidirectional printing Add a new port, such as a print monitor Remove a port Configure a port in terms of timeout parameters (for parallel ports); and port speed, data bits, parity, stop bits, and flow control (for serial ports) jmk tcm343

40 Printer Pooling Printer pooling: Linking two or more identical printers with one printer setup or printer share jmk tcm343

41 Figure 11-11 Configuring printer ports
Configuring Ports Figure Configuring printer ports jmk tcm343

42 Troubleshooting Tip When configuring a bidirectional printer, make sure that you use an IEEE 1284 cable and check the BIOS setup to configure the port as bidirectional jmk tcm343

43 Advanced Printer Properties
The printer properties that you can configure on the Advanced tab include: Printer scheduling The printer’s priority Printer spooling Holding mismatched documents Printing spooled documents first Keeping printed documents (after they have printed) Enabling advanced printing features Specifying print processors and data types Configuring the separator page jmk tcm343

44 Advanced Printer Properties (continued)
Figure Advanced printer properties jmk tcm343

45 Troubleshooting Tip If pages are intermixing from different printouts try selecting the option, Start printing after last page is spooled jmk tcm343

46 Troubleshooting Tip Use the Hold mismatched documents option to save paper and free the printer when there are users who often send a document formatted for another printer jmk tcm343

47 Separator Page files Sysprint.sep: used for PostScript-only printers
Pcl.sep: used to print in Printer Control Language (PCL) for printers that can do either PCL or PostScript Pscript.sep: used to print in PostScript for printers that can do either PCL or PostScript jmk tcm343

48 Separator Page Customization Codes
Table Separator Page Customization Codes jmk tcm343

49 Separator Page Customization Codes (continued)
jmk tcm343

50 Design Tip Use separator and banner pages sparingly because they can add to paper costs jmk tcm343

51 Security Properties The printer Properties Security tab enables you set up: Printer permissions Special permissions Auditing Ownership jmk tcm343

52 Printer Share Permissions
Table Printer Share Permissions jmk tcm343

53 Security Properties (continued)
Figure Configuring security jmk tcm343

54 Printer Events That Can Be Audited
The successful or failed activities that can be audited are: Print jobs Manage printers Manage documents Read printer share permissions Change printer share permissions Take ownership of the printer jmk tcm343

55 Design Tip Periodically use the Security Configuration and Analysis MMC snap-in to review analyze the security and group policies that are set up for printers, accounts, and other objects jmk tcm343

56 Printer Device Properties
The Device Settings tab in the printer Properties is used to configure: Printer trays Printer memory Paper size Fonts Specialized features of a printer jmk tcm343

57 Printer Device Properties (continued)
Figure Configuring printer device settings jmk tcm343

58 Troubleshooting Tip If a PostScript printer seems slow, use the Device Settings tab in that printer’s properties to set up virtual memory for the printer jmk tcm343

59 Configuring a Nonlocal or Internet Printer
You can set up and even manage a printer that is not physically connected to the server by: Starting the Add Printer Wizard and selecting to configure a network printer Locating the printer on the network or through the Internet (or specifying the printer’s name or URL) Completing the steps as prompted by the Wizard jmk tcm343

60 Configuring a Printer by IP and MAC Addresses
Configure print server cards by using the IP and MAC address to identify the card: Start the Add Printer Wizard Select to install a local printer without PnP Select to create a new port and use the Standard TCP/IP Port option Specify the print server’s IP address Specify the type of print server Complete the remaining steps under the guidance of the Wizard jmk tcm343

61 Configuring a Printer by IP and MAC Addresses (continued)
jmk tcm343 Figure Configuring a TCP/IP port

62 Configuring a Printer by IP and MAC Addresses (continued)
jmk tcm343 Figure The new TCP/IP port

63 Design Tip If you are configuring a print server that is a mainframe, UNIX, or other similar computer, use the LPR print monitor in the setup jmk tcm343

64 Managing a Printer You can manage a printer in the Printers folder through its icon Example activities that you can manage are: To make a printer the default To pause a printer To set printing preferences To configure the printer’s properties jmk tcm343

65 Managing a Printer (continued)
Figure Designating a default printer jmk tcm343

66 Managing Print Documents
You can also manage documents sent to a printer by opening that printer’s icon in the Printers folder Example activities that you can manage include: Pausing a print job Restarting a print job Viewing the properties of a print job (including resetting the priority of the hob) jmk tcm343

67 Troubleshooting Tip If a printer malfunctions, move the jobs in its queue to another printer by one of two methods: Move the jobs to a port already configured for multiple or pooled printers connected to the same computer Add a new port on the broken printer’s setup that points to a printer that is working jmk tcm343

68 Troubleshooting Tip If all printing stops or hangs on computers connected to a Windows 2000 print server, try stopping and starting the Print Spooler service (but warn users that their print jobs will be deleted) jmk tcm343

69 Chapter Summary A Windows 2000 Server can be turned into a print server to manage printers connected to it and shared printers connected to other computers Learn how to use the appropriate print monitors and data types for specific kinds of printer setups jmk tcm343

70 Chapter Summary A new printer can be installed using the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard, the Add Printer Wizard, or both There are a full range of printer properties that you can configure for all kinds of purposes such spooling parameters, printer drivers, printer ports, print monitors, data types, printer scheduling, security, and many others jmk tcm343

71 Chapter Summary Windows 2000 Server includes options to manage a printer, such as pausing it, as well as options to manage documents, such as pausing or deleting documents jmk tcm343

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