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Business Imperialism Quiz Friday Oct points

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1 Business Imperialism Quiz Friday Oct 14 20 points
Yellow Journalism homework due Business

2 Where has the us expanded?

3 Cuba Spanish left after Spanish-American War Teller Amendment
American involvement on island Military occupation Independent Cuba but Platt Amendment Cuba a US protectorate Cuba

4 Puerto Rico During / after war, US military occupation
Foraker Act- set up government, US president can appoint positions Insular cases- Constitution doesn’t protect territories but Puerto Ricans US citizens Puerto Rico a US commonwealth Puerto Rico

5 Philippines Promised independence Philippine-American War
Became US territory after Spanish-American War Philippine-American War US put down rebellion Set up government similar to Puerto Rico (power from US) Philippines stayed American territory Philippines

6 How did different presidents engage in imperialism?
What tactics/strategies did they employ?

7 Teddy Roosevelt What do we know about him? Enjoyed physical activity
Thrived on challenges- “I do not believe that anyone else has ever enjoyed the White House as much as I have.”

8 Roosevelt making peace
1904- Russia & Japan at war Both imperialist powers, wanted control of Korea Japan ran out of resources Went to Roosevelt 1905- meeting in Portsmouth, NH Negotiated peace (Nobel Peace Prize) Why did Roosevelt take part? Roosevelt making peace

9 Roosevelt panama Why did people want canal across Central America?
1903- Congress buys rights to Panama Canal Had to get permission from Colombia Rebellion in Panama- US warships sent US paid Panama $10 million Roosevelt panama

10 Panama canal Difficult work >5,600 workers died, cost $380 million
Disease, soft soil, swamps >5,600 workers died, cost $380 million US-Latin American relations damaged Panama canal

11 Roosevelt “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
Latin American countries owed money to European banks Roosevelt feared European intervention Reminded Europe of Monroe Doctrine Added Roosevelt Corollary US will use force to protect interests in Latin America Roosevelt

12 Taft 1911- Nicaragua rebellion
American bankers loaned enough to pay debts Bankers collected customs duties, controlled railways, & bank Dollar diplomacy- using government to guarantee loans made to foreigners by businesspeople Taft

13 Missionary Diplomacy- US has moral responsibility to deny governments viewed as oppressive
Put pressure on countries to establish democracies Wilson

14 Wilson Mexico Mexico ruled by dictator / friend of US
Many US interests in Mexico ($$) Common Mexicans very poor 1911- Mexicans revolt, overthrow dictator Wilson refused to recognize new government Wilson Mexico

15 Wilson Mexico Wilson sent Marines to Mexico
Close to war Rebellion in Mexico, Americans attacked US invade Mexico 1917- US troops withdrawn War in Europe imminent Wilson Mexico

16 US imperialism Respond to each cartoon Answer in full sentences
Analyze and use historical context US imperialism

17 Cartoons

18 Imperialism- did the US act as a leader or a bully?
For each event, decide if US actions were that of a world leader or a bully Explain each answer with content Imperialism- did the US act as a leader or a bully?

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