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APS Meeting, Washington DC July 14, 2011 James Kasting, ExoPAG Chair

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1 APS Meeting, Washington DC July 14, 2011 James Kasting, ExoPAG Chair
ExoPAG Report APS Meeting, Washington DC July 14, 2011 James Kasting, ExoPAG Chair

2 ExoPAG activities since February meeting
Joint COPAG/ExoPAG steering committee meeting, Apr. 26, STScI Ken Sembach (COPAG) was the chief organizer Approximately 20 attendees Discussed plans for a future optical/UV/near-IR space telescope (see next slide) ExoPAG4 meeting, June 1-2, Alexandria, VA Approximately 60 attendees Various agenda items, discussed below

3 Joint COPAG/ExoPAG meeting, Apr. 26
Recommendation: Both groups should pursue the study of two different types of representative missions: A 4-m aperture monolithic telescope with an internal coronagraph of some sort. The coronagraph must be capable of achieving a contrast ratio of 1010 or better in order to find exoEarths. It would need to operate at an inner working angle of ~2 /D in order to satisfy the exoplanet science requirements. An 8-m aperture segmented telescope that relies on an external occulter to achieve the high contrast needed to find an exoEarth 4-m occulter designs will be studied as well Combined coronagraph/occulter concepts are possible The size of the mission will ultimately be determined by factors such as Earth (from Kepler), exozodi brightnesses (from LBTI?), and the desires of the COPAG science community

4 ExoPAG4 meeting, June 1-2 Discussion of proposed Imaging Performance Study (IPS) to be carried out by the Exoplanet Exploration Program office at JPL This is a non-binding, practice run for a funded mission concept study currently scheduled to begin in January, 2013 Discussion of science requirements for a direct imaging mission Proposal is to use a Kepner-Tregoe table in which some requirements are considered as absolute, while others are evaluated on a point-scoring basis Preliminary requirements list to be generated by September, 2011, for use in the IPS study Update on the exozodi problem Discussion of New Worlds Technology Development Program (NWTDP)--Web Cash

5 New Worlds Technology Development Program
Cash argued that the level of technology funding for the NWTDP is insufficient to enable a direct imaging mission to be selected in 2020 Wants the ExoPAG to play a role in advising how technology money should be spent The plan should include demo missions for the various technology concepts (i.e., occulters and coronagraphs) Request to APS: That the ExoPAG be allowed to set up a new study analysis group (SAG) to examine how the NWTDP could be most effectively implemented. Web Cash would be the chair. A report would be presented at the ExoPAG meeting in January, 2012, and then forwarded to the APS committee if approved by the ExoPAG.

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