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Exam #1 February 23rd (Next Friday)

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1 Exam #1 February 23rd (Next Friday)
input (scanf) and output (printf) format strings, and associated data types control structures - loops, conditionals function definition, parameters (pass by value and pass by reference), calling functions arrays recursion creating and using struct, typedef tracing C code to determine output and for identifying errors in code Note: code examples will be similar to assignments and exercises covered so far this semester

2 How do we pass structures into functions?
We have the same two ways to pass structures into functions: pass by value - creates a copy of the entire structure that only the function can access - changes don’t affect the original pass by reference – just pass a pointer to the structure so that the function accesses the original structure Requires that we get a pointer to the structure so we can pass by reference

3 struct BOOK typedef struct { STRING title; STRING author; double cost;
typedef char STRING[32]; typedef struct { STRING title; STRING author; double cost; } BOOK; BOOK my_book;

4 Pass a Structure by Value
Assume we have a variable in main of type BOOK: BOOK my_book; Function header with a call-by-value parameter: void print_book(BOOK a_book); Calling the function: (passes a copy of the structure) print_book(my_book); Fields in the function are accessed in the same way as we would in main, using the dot: printf(“Title: %s\n”, a_book.title);

5 Pass a Structure by Reference
Assume we have a variable in main of type BOOK: BOOK my_book; In main we create a pointer variable for a BOOK: BOOK *book_ptr; Next, we make it point to my_book: book_ptr = &my_book; Function header with a call-by-reference parameter: void print_book(BOOK *ptr); Calling the function: print_book(book_ptr); or print_book(&my_book);)

6 How do we access the fields?
We have to use the -> operator to access fields when we pass by reference, not the dot operator: Assume we have called the function with: print_book(book_ptr); We access fields like this: printf(“Title: %s\n”, ptr->title); The -> says to “follow the pointer to the field” it works the same for numbers: printf("Cost: %5.2f\n", ptr->cost);

7 Putting it all together: typedef char STRING[255]; typedef struct {
STRING title; STRING author; double cost; } BOOK; BOOK my_book; /* declare a BOOK variable */ BOOK *book_ptr; /* declare a pointer to a BOOK */ /* pass the BOOK variable by value */ void print_by_value(BOOK my_book); /* pass a pointer to a BOOK variable */ void print_by_reference(BOOK *ptr);

8 An Example Recall the following typedefs: typedef char STRING[32];
typedef struct { STRING course_name; double quiz_grades[5]; double average; } GRADE; STRING student_name; GRADE courses[10]; double gpa; } STUDENT_REC; STUDENT_REC students[100]; students array students[i] STUDENT_REC students[i].student_name string students[i].gpa double students[i].courses array students[i].courses[j] GRADE students[i].courses[j].course_name string students[i].courses[j].average double students[i].courses[j].quiz_grades array students[i].courses[j].quiz_grades[k] double

9 Problem Description Give a program that will input data for students from a file into an array of STUDENT_REC’s. Calculate the average for each class at student takes, and output the results (including all input data). Assume that there are 100 students, each student took 3 courses, and each course had 5 quizzes. Sample input file: smith 3.4 cse mth chm jones 2.75 psy aero ece :

10 Without Functions #include <stdio.h> typedef char STRING[32]; typedef struct { STRING course_name; double quiz_grades[5]; double average; } GRADE; STRING student_name; GRADE courses[10]; double gpa; } STUDENT_REC; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *file_ptr = NULL; const int NUM_STUDENTS = 100; const int NUM_QUIZZES = 5; const int NUM_COURSES = 3; STUDENT_REC students[NUM_STUDENTS]; int i,j,k; double sum;

11 Without Functions /* open data file and input student data */ file_ptr = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if(file_ptr == NULL) printf("\n*** Error opening file: %s ***\n\n", argv[1]); else { for (i=0; i<=NUM_STUDENTS-1; i++) { fscanf(file_ptr,"%s %lf\n",students[i].student_name,&students[i].gpa); for (j=0; j<=NUM_COURSES-1; j++) { fscanf(file_ptr,"%s",students[i].courses[j].course_name); for (k=0; k<=NUM_QUIZZES-1; k++) { fscanf(file_ptr,"%lf",&students[i].courses[j].quiz_grades[k]); } smith 3.4 cse mth chm jones 2.75 psy aero ece :

12 Without Functions /* calculate averages */ for (i=0; i<=NUM_STUDENTS-1; i++) { for (j=0; j<=NUM_COURSES-1; j++) { sum = 0.0; for (k=0; k<=NUM_QUIZZES-1; k++) { sum+=students[i].courses[j].quiz_grades[k] } students[i].courses[j].average=sum/NUM_QUIZZES;

13 Without Functions /* output final results */ printf("\nOutput Final Student Data:\n"); printf("\n"); for (i=0; i<=NUM_STUDENTS-1; i++) { printf("student #%d: %s\ngpa: %lf\n\n", i+1,students[i].student_name,students[i].gpa); for (j=0; j<=NUM_COURSES-1; j++) { printf("%s\naverage: %lf: ", students[i].courses[j].course_name,students[i].courses[j].average); printf("\ngrades: "); for (k=0; k<=NUM_QUIZZES-1; k++) { printf("%lf ",students[i].courses[j].quiz_grades[k]); } printf("\n\n"); return 0;

14 Sample Output student #1: smith gpa: cse1001 average: : grades: mth2020 average: : grades: chm1400 average: : grades: student #2: jones gpa: :

15 Exercises Type in, compile, and execute the program
Clean up output formatting

16 With Functions A common design technique is to have a function to input a data structure. void input_student_data(FILE *fptr, STUDENT_REC student_list[]) { int i,j,k; for (i=0; i<=NUM_STUDENTS-1; i++) { fscanf(fptr,"%s %lf\n",student_list[i].student_name,&student_list[i].gpa); for (j=0; j<=NUM_COURSES-1; j++) { fscanf(fptr,"%s",student_list[i].courses[j].course_name); for (k=0; k<=NUM_QUIZZES-1; k++) { fscanf(fptr,"%lf",&student_list[i].courses[j].quiz_grades[k]); } return; /* Second parameter could also be STRUDENT_REC *student_list */

17 With Functions Similarly, it is common to have a function to output a data structure. void output_student_data(STUDENT_REC student_list[]) { int i,j,k; printf("\n"); for (i=0; i<=NUM_STUDENTS-1; i++) { printf("student #%d: %s\ngpa: %lf\n\n", i+1,student_list[i].student_name,student_list[i].gpa); for (j=0; j<=NUM_COURSES-1; j++) { printf("%s\naverage: %lf: ", student_list[i].courses[j].course_name,student_list[i].courses[j].average); printf("\ngrades: "); for (k=0; k<=NUM_QUIZZES-1; k++) { printf("%lf ",student_list[i].courses[j].quiz_grades[k]); } printf("\n\n"); return;

18 With Functions We will add one more to do the calculation…just for fun! void calculate_student_averages(STUDENT_REC student_list[]) { int i,j,k; double sum; for (i=0; i<=NUM_STUDENTS-1; i++) { for (j=0; j<=NUM_COURSES-1; j++) { sum = 0.0; for (k=0; k<=NUM_QUIZZES-1; k++) { sum+=student_list[i].courses[j].quiz_grades[k]; } student_list[i].courses[j].average=sum/NUM_QUIZZES; /* Parameter could also be STRUDENT_REC *student_list */

19 With Functions Now the main becomes:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *file_ptr = NULL; STUDENT_REC students[100]; file_ptr = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if(file_ptr == NULL) printf("\n*** Error opening file: %s ***\n\n", argv[1]); else { input_student_data(file_ptr,students); fclose(file_ptr); calculate_student_averages(students); printf("\nOutput Final Student Data:\n"); output_student_data(students); } return 0;

20 With Functions Another version of the calculate function:
void calculate_course_average(GRADE *course_data) { double sum = 0.0; int k; for (k=0; k<=4; k++) { sum+=course_data->quiz_grades[k]; } course_data->average = sum/NUM_QUIZZES; void calculate_student_averages(STUDENT_REC student_list[]) { int i,j,k; double sum; for (i=0; i<=NUM_STUDENTS-1; i++) { for (j=0; j<=NUM_COURSES-1; j++) { calculate_course_average(&student_list[i].courses[j]);

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