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Local UMW Organization Training United Methodist Women

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1 Local UMW Organization Training United Methodist Women
Vice-President Local UMW Organization Training United Methodist Women Great Northern District

2 ► Experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ
PURPOSE The local UMW organization of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to ► Know God ► Experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ ► Develop a creative, supportive fellowship ► Expand concepts of mission through participation in global ministries.

3 The VICE PRESIDENT, working cooperatively with the president, shall assist the local UMW organization in fulfilling the PURPOSE. She shall:: a. guide the Executive Committee in its responsibility for planning and implementing the program of the local organizattion; b. perform the duties of the president in her absence; c. carry coordinating responsibilities for ecumenical relations and promote the cooperation of United Methodist Women with Church Women United and the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women. d. chair the Committee on Program where one exists or, if there is no separate committee, chair the Executive Committee when dealing with matters relating to program; serve on the Committee on Finance where one exists.

All programming should have a mission emphasis.

5 Include one or more of the following:
Support for Mission Spiritually by prayer and Bible study Financially with a Pledge to Mission and other Mission Giving Intellectually through education about mission and mission projects + Action for Mission Involvement in both charity and justice issues Being intentional about the use of the world’s resources Strengthening the supportive community (continued next page)

6 Participation in Mission
Learning about the changing needs in mission Living a life of praise and thanksgiving Developing a relationship with missionaries, mission partners or projects at home and around the world (end of Mission Areas)

7 PLANNING A YEARLY PROGRAM ► Membership Nurture and Outreach
Make sure all programming relates to the PURPOSE of United Methodist Women. Leave no part of the PURPOSE out. Programming should incorporate the concerns of the four areas of mission emphasis: + ► Spiritual Growth ► Social Action ► Membership Nurture and Outreach ► Mission Education and Interpretation

8 SET GOALS Your Executive Committee should set goals for the whole local UMW organization. Use these goals to guide the committee as it plans programs for the year. To ensure that each program follows the PURPOSE, ask questions like: “Why are we doing this?” “What is the purpose of this?” ”How will this improve our support for, action for and participation in Mission?” After the presentation, each program should be evaluated for effectiveness.

9 The Program Committee looks at the “givens” in the local UMW calendar.
CALENDARING The Program Committee looks at the “givens” in the local UMW calendar. What are the regular, routine things that happen, such as local UMW organization meetings, World Thank Offering, Call to Prayer, Pledge Service, district and conference dates and ecumenical/community events? + Special events you want to plan for your members can be spaced throughout the year. Note that the Call to Prayer observance can be done anytime in the first three months of the year. You will want to decide which date is best for you within that time frame.

10 Develop a list of possible programs for the year.
PROGRAM FOR THE YEAR Develop a list of possible programs for the year. You may wish to select a theme for the entire year or use various United Methodist Women’s resources to select program topics. Assign a program topic and persons who will be facilitators for developing the program for each meeting or event. Make the programs relevant to the needs of the membership. Look for topics that will be interesting to women in your local UMW organization. Develop programs that are exciting, fun, and energizing. Good programs build membership, but poor programs can defeat good membership work and drive people away.

11 PROGRAM RESOURCES ►UMW Program Book ►Prayer Calendar ►RESPONSE Magazine (see the “How to Use This Issue” page) ►New World Outlook ►Mission Studies ►Reading Program Books ►Criteria for “Mission Today” Local UMW ►A Guide to Program Planning for UMW

12 Consider which resources will enhance the program.
+ In addition to the listed program resources, there are workshops or special training events, conference and district meetings and National UMW Organization mailings which come to the local UMW organization. You might also want to survey the women to see what interests them, or what they need. Be creative in adapting programs from the Program Book or other resource to your local needs.

13 Achieved through each program
SPECIFIC GOALS or OBJECTIVES Achieved through each program e.g. “By the end of the program, the participants will have… (practiced 3 types of prayer; evaluated their strengths as leaders; heard stories from 3 women of Mexico; made a Pledge to Mission).” Depending on the length of the program ----- There may be only two or three objectives or as many as nine or ten. Don’t try to do too much; it’s better to do a few things well than a lot of things poorly.

14 Presentation prepared by Doris Young
Great Northern District UMW Communications Coordinator October 19, 2012

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