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Reports from Member States on:

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1 Status of Derogation Reporting Agenda Item 12 Expert Group on Reporting 25.03.2014, Brussels
Reports from Member States on: Derogations under Art. 16 of the "Habitats" Directive (HD) Derogations under Art.9 of the "Birds" Directive (BD)

2 Deadline: September of the year following the derogation period.

3 Pre-Infringement procedures
EU Pilots have been started only for completely missing reports. Certain cases of unacceptable format or other problems are being dealt with bilaterally. Some reports of the last reporting period (BD 12 and HD 11-12) are still missing. Please send them as soon as possible. Pilots will be launched very soon.

4 General clarifications
Do not submit reports overlapping chronologically. Please submit: One report every year for BD One report every two years for HD Use separate Reportnet folders for each report The title of the report and of the folder should indicate the year of application of the derogation, not the year of delivery of the report Reportnet: When a report is complete change the status to "Complete", do not let "Task(s) waiting to be assigned: Redeliver or finish" Reports must be uploaded on the Reportnet website, not sent by or in paper format. If there are no derogations at all for a specific reporting period, please ask the national data coordinator to send an clearly stating so to Stefan Leiner and in CC to Stefano Panozzo.

5 Clarifications on Habides
Please fill all the relevant fields in the Habides form. In particular individual numbers of population, "licensed" and "actually taken" are frequently incomplete or inconsistent. Do not abuse the "free text" function. This is happening in particular for the indication of the species. Limit multi-species derogations as much as possible. It is impossible to provide specific numbers for each species in the current form.

6 Status of Habides Please use Habides!
The EC services are available for support No new versions of Habides have been created recently. Version 2.10 is still valid. Feedback from MS has been examined, providing clarifications and support. None of the problems could prevent MS from reporting. The EC is studying a new reporting tool. For the moment please use Habides.

7 For specific problems please contact: Stefano Panozzo stefano
For specific problems please contact: Stefano Panozzo

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