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Double Jeopardy Metabolism Photosynthesis Respiration

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Presentation on theme: "Double Jeopardy Metabolism Photosynthesis Respiration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Double Jeopardy 20 40 60 80 100 Metabolism Photosynthesis Respiration
Cell Reproduction Gamete Production 20 40 60 80 100 Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU

2 Energy is released in this type of Reaction.

3 Energy is needed in this Type of reaction.

4 Speeds a reaction.

5 Binds to active site on an

6 Can be an activator or inhibitor,
Binding to this site on an enzyme.

7 First stage of photosynthesis.

8 These two molecules are the
Main products of the first Stage of photosynthesis.

9 Membrane in which photosynthesis light reactions take place.

10 Light independent reactions of
Photosynthesis, the Calvin Cycle, Take place here in the chloroplasts.

11 Give what results from the Calvin
Cycle and what is needed to Get that result.

12 Means “sugar breaking”, and is the
First reaction in the cytoplasm which Leads to respiration.

13 End products of glycolysis.

14 The Krebs cycle end products.

15 Describe how the electron
Transfer chain is coupled with ATP synthesis.

16 Describe two anaerobic pathways,
Or two types of fermentation.

17 Division of body cells.

18 Protein that DNA winds around
To form a nucleosome.

19 Structure on chromatids for
Attachment of microtubules.

20 These move chromosomes to
Opposite ends of the cell in anaphase.

21 Give the phases of mitosis and a
Major event in each.

22 Gamete production.

23 Name for pairs of homologous
Chromosomes attached together.

24 Two phases in meiosis where
Events can increase variation.

25 Term for body cells with two of
Each type of chromosome. Term For gametes with one of each type Of chromosome.

26 Term for the sequence of DNA
Coding for a trait and term for Differences in the sequences.

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