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Karlovac is located in central Croatia It is just 56 kilometeres from our main city Zagreb The town is famous for his renaissance history and monuments.

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Presentation on theme: "Karlovac is located in central Croatia It is just 56 kilometeres from our main city Zagreb The town is famous for his renaissance history and monuments."— Presentation transcript:


2 Karlovac is located in central Croatia It is just 56 kilometeres from our main city Zagreb The town is famous for his renaissance history and monuments It was known as a military fortres in history Population – 60 000


4 The first settlement in the region Founded beetwen 10-13 century First rulers were the Babonić family and Stjepan Frankopan Turkish army attacked Dubovac the day before the begining of the construction of Karlovac


6 The construction started on 13 th July 1579 as a military fortress It was constructed in the form of a six pointed star Ideal renaissance city Named after Karl von Habsburg, its constuctor It lies on the banks of 4 rivers : the Korana, the Mrežnica, the Kupa and the Dobra In 1776 the town was proclaimed The Free Royal Town It was the crossroad of 3 main roads : the Josephine, the Caroline, the Luisiana


8 The Milestone The City Hall The War Museum The Old Wood Bridge


10 Zorin dom – The Town Theatre - raised in 1892 - the home of the first Croatian singing quire Zora

11 The Town Museum –former country house of the ruling family Frankopan -the oldest palace in the old center built in the beging of 17 C. - became a museum on 18 th December 1904 - built on the riuns of the Roman settlement

12 The Music School – the oldest one in Croatia - 202 years old

13 Edison – the first cinema in the country, built in 1918 -today is the most popular club in our town

14 The Holy Trinity Parish 1579- the church was given to the Franciscans when they came in town - after the fire in 1692 the churche was restored in a Baroque style

15 The Festival of Beer –set up in August - it lasts 10 days -the opening parade - the amusement park -the concerts

16 Traditional Town Birthday ball – on 13 th July - 432nd birthday of Karlovac in 2011 - on the main square

17 The Days of Nobility – 9 th to 25 th May - medieval fights - The Old Town of Dubovac

18 The most popular sport in town is basketball In 1970 –The Basketball World Championship In 1975 –The European Basketball Championship In 2003 – The Women World Handball Championship

19 Nikola Tesla, the inventor of electricity, attended high school in Karlovac Brothers Seljan-world famous explorers



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