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Ali Roberts PASSION SERIES Luke 22:39-53
39 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.
40 On reaching the place, he said to them, ‘Pray that you will not fall into temptation.’ 39 Dyma Iesu'n mynd allan i Fynydd yr Olewydd eto, fel roedd wedi gwneud bob nos. Ac aeth ei ddisgyblion ar ei ôl. 40 Pan gyrhaeddodd lle roedd yn mynd, dwedodd wrthyn nhw, “Gweddïwch y byddwch chi ddim yn syrthio pan gewch chi'ch profi.”
41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed,
42 ‘Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.’ 41 Yna aeth yn ei flaen dafliad carreg, a mynd ar ei liniau a dechrau gweddïo, 42 “Dad, os wyt ti'n fodlon, cymer y cwpan chwerw yma oddi arna i. Ond paid gwneud beth dw i eisiau, gwna beth rwyt ti eisiau.”
43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.
44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. 43 Yna gwelodd angel o'r nefoedd, ac roedd yr angel yn ei annog ac yn cryfhau ei benderfyniad. 44 Gweddïodd yn fwy taer, ond gan ei fod mewn cymaint o boen meddwl, roedd ei chwys yn disgyn ar lawr fel dafnau o waed.
5 Pan gododd ar ei draed a mynd yn ôl at ei ddisgyblion roedden nhw'n cysgu. Roedd tristwch yn eu llethu nhw. 46 Gofynnodd iddyn nhw, “Pam dych chi'n cysgu? Codwch ar eich traed, a gweddïwch y byddwch chi ddim yn syrthio pan gewch chi'ch profi.” 45 When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. 46 ‘Why are you sleeping?’ he asked them. ‘Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.’
47 While he was still speaking a crowd came up, and the man who was called Judas, one of the Twelve, was leading them. He approached Jesus to kiss him, 48 but Jesus asked him, ‘Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?’ 47 Wrth iddo ddweud hyn, dyma dyrfa yn dod ato. Jwdas, un o'r deuddeg disgybl oedd yn eu harwain, ac aeth at Iesu i'w gyfarch â chusan. 48 Ond dyma Iesu'n gofyn iddo, “Wyt ti'n bradychu Mab y Dyn â chusan?”
49 When Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen, they said, ‘Lord, should we strike with our swords?’ 50 And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. 49 Pan sylweddolodd dilynwyr Iesu beth oedd ar fin digwydd, dyma nhw'n gweiddi, “Arglwydd, wyt ti eisiau i ni ymladd gyda'r cleddyfau yma?” 50 A dyma un ohonyn nhw yn taro gwas yr archoffeiriad, a thorri ei glust dde i ffwrdd.
51 But Jesus answered, ‘No more of this
51 But Jesus answered, ‘No more of this!’ And he touched the man’s ear and healed him. 51 “Stopiwch! Dyna ddigon!” meddai Iesu. Yna cyffyrddodd glust y dyn a'i iacháu.
52 Then Jesus said to the chief priests, the officers of the temple guard, and the elders, who had come for him, ‘Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come with swords and clubs? 53 Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour – when darkness reigns.’ 52 Yna trodd at y prif offeiriaid, swyddogion diogelwch y deml a'r arweinwyr eraill oedd wedi dod i'w ddal, “Ydw i'n arwain gwrthryfel neu rywbeth? Ai dyna pam mae angen y cleddyfau a'r pastynau yma? 53 Pam na ddalioch chi fi yn y deml? Rôn i yno gyda chi bob dydd! Ond dyma'ch cyfle chi – yr amser pan mae pwerau'r tywyllwch yn rheoli.”
41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed,
42 ‘Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.’ 41 Yna aeth yn ei flaen dafliad carreg, a mynd ar ei liniau a dechrau gweddïo, 42 “Dad, os wyt ti'n fodlon, cymer y cwpan chwerw yma oddi arna i. Ond paid gwneud beth dw i eisiau, gwna beth rwyt ti eisiau.”
What is the ‘cup’ Jesus refers to in verse 42?
Cup of Wrath Means…. Cup of suffering and God’s anger.
His holy and perfect anger against sin All the fury and punishment and judgement against sin. His anger is part of His perfection, not a suspension of it
Isaiah 51:17 (NIVUK) The cup of the Lord’s wrath 17 Awake, awake! Rise up, Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of the Lord the cup of his wrath, you who have drained to its dregs the goblet that makes people stagger. Jeremiah 25:15-16 (NLT) The Cup of the Lord’s Anger 15 This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, said to me: “Take from my hand this cup filled to the brim with my anger, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink from it. 16 When they drink from it, they will stagger, crazed by the warfare I will send against them.” Psalm 75:8 (NIVUK) 8 In the hand of the Lord is a cup full of foaming wine mixed with spices; he pours it out, and all the wicked of the earth drink it down to its very dregs.
Matthew 26:39 (NIVUK) 39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’
Matthew 26:39 (NIVUK) 39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’
Matthew 26:39 (NIVUK) 39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’
Luke 22 (NIVUK) 43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.
Cup of Wrath “On the Mount of Olives, we see Jesus, under the most extreme circumstances imaginable, tasting the cup of God’s wrath. And it staggers Him. It astonishes Him. It knocks Him to the ground. But it doesn’t shake His love for you. Not an ounce. If you’re a Christian, you can look at Jesus contemplating the cup of hell, surrounded by disciples who are failing Him, and you can see Him saying to His Father: I will take it for them.” Mike McKinley
Garden of Eden Garden of Gethsemane
Adam Jesus Obeying God meant peace and blessing Obeying God meant he was cursed and crushed My will – not yours Your will – not mine
Matthew 26:38 (NLT) 38 He told them, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”
10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him
Isaiah 53:10 (NIVUK) 10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
Luke 22:39 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives…..
Gethsemane Means…. OIL PRESS
Olive oil was used for: Cooking Fuelling lamps
As an emollient for grooming/conditioning the skin/hair A healing balm Olive oil was used in the Temple sacrifices Anointing of any type was always done with olive oil
Sustenance Light Health Sacrifice Anointing
One man ‘press’
The ‘Crushing’
The ‘Pressing’
The ‘Pressing’
Sustenance Light Health Sacrifice Anointing
The Temple
Christós – “the anointed one”
Discussion Which image spoke to you and why?
If you are an ‘Olive’ I would say that God is after the oil in your life, but the Devil is after the seed.
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