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CARTILAGE Prepared By: Bikram Adhikari. Introduction Cartilage is a specialized form of connective tissue Mesodermal in origin Composition of cartilage.

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Presentation on theme: "CARTILAGE Prepared By: Bikram Adhikari. Introduction Cartilage is a specialized form of connective tissue Mesodermal in origin Composition of cartilage."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARTILAGE Prepared By: Bikram Adhikari

2 Introduction Cartilage is a specialized form of connective tissue Mesodermal in origin Composition of cartilage :  Cellular component:  Chondrocytes  Chondroblast and

3 Composition of cartilage(contd..)  Extracellular matrix Fibers: collagen fibres, elastic fibres Ground substance:  Glycosaminoglyans (GAG)  Chondriotin sulphate,  Keratan sulphate,  Hyaluronic acid

4 Avascular No lymphatics vessels and nerve Perichondrium  layer of dense connective tissue  2 layers: Chondrogenic layer (inner) Fibrous layer (outer)


6 Functions of Cartilage:  To bear mechanical stresses without permanent distortion.  Cartilage is a shock-absorbtion  Provide Sliding area for joints - facilitates bone movements.  Development and growth of long bones both before and after birth.

7 Types Of Cartilage 3 types: 1. Hyaline cartilage 2. Yellow Elastic cartilage 3. White Fibro cartilage

8 1.Hyaline Cartilage Fresh hyaline cartilage is bluish-white and translucent Chondrocytes  have an elliptic or round  Cell are arranged in group: (isogenous group or cell nest)

9 Matrix consist:  Type II Collagen fiber (basophilic)  Chondroitin 4-sulfate  Keratan sulfate  Hyaluronidase  Chondronectin Hyaline Cartilage (contd..) Territorial matrix (lacunar capsule) Inter-territorial matrix


11 Examples of Hyaline Cartilage: Articular cartilage Epiphyseal plate Larynx: Cricoid and artenoid cartilages Costal cartilage Trachea, bronchi and bronchioles Fetal cartilage

12 Fresh elastic cartilage has a yellowish color 2.Yellow elastic Cartilage

13 Yellow elastic Cartilage(contd..)  Chondrocytes: Large, scattered  Matrix Elastic fibres+ collagen type II  Pericondrium present

14 Examples of Yellow elastic cartilage Auricle of the ear, External auditory canals, Epiglottis, and Cuneiform cartilage Apical part of arytenoid cartilage

15 3. White fibro Cartilage No identifiable Perichondrium Chondrocytes: arranged in linear group separated by collagen fibers Matrix: Collagen I type + collagen II type collagen

16 Pubis symphysis Intervertebral disc Manubriosternal joint Intervetebral disc Examples: White fibro Cartilage:

17 References Singh Indirbir. 2011. Pages 93-97 in Text book of Human Histology. 6 th edition. Jaypee Brothers medical publishers. New delhi Eroschenko Victor P. Pages 65-72 in Difiore’s Atlas of Histology.10 th edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 351 West Camden Street Baltimore. Junqueira luis Caralos, Carneiro Jose. Chapter 7 in Basic histology text and atlas,11 th edition, McGraw-Hill’s. Graaff Kent Van De. Pages 141, 158,164,181,608, in Human Anatomy. 6 th edition. McGraws-Hill’s. Standring Susan. Page 83-87, 742. Gray’s Anatomy.39th edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone


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