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“Tennessee latest state to chase multiple bomb threats”

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1 “Tennessee latest state to chase multiple bomb threats”

2 Courthouses and other government buildings in 30 Tennessee counties received bomb threats Tuesday, making it the fifth state this month to see a similar round of false alarms. No explosive devices had been found in any of the counties where threats were called in, said Dalya Qualls, a spokeswoman for the state's Department of Homeland Security. Tennessee's bomb scares came eight days after similar threats were made to 28 courthouses and a state office building in Oregon and within a month of similar incidents around Nebraska and Washington. Local authorities are still investigating the nature and cause of such threats.

3 In Other News The chance of a ticket winning a Powerball jackpot is 1 in 175,223,510. Here are a few unlikely scenarios that, we're sorry to say, are much more likely than you taking home this jackpot. -- Dying from a bee sting: 1 in 6.1 million. -- Dying from being struck by lightning: 1 in 3 million. -- Drowning and other beach-related fatalities: 1 in 2 million. -- Being attacked by a shark: 1 in 11.5 million. Contraband alcohol is believed to have sickened at least seven Arizona inmates, who are receiving antitoxins for suspected botulism poisoning, officials said Tuesday. By Monday, seven inmates were in intensive care, all suffering from some form of paralysis, officials said. "It is suspected that the inmates came in contact with the toxin from homemade prison 'hooch,' made from fermented fruit," said Murphy.

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