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BELLWORK: 3/27 Explain the causes of détente.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK: 3/27 Explain the causes of détente."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK: 3/27 Explain the causes of détente.
List the agreements made during the period of détente. THINKER: Why was there the growth of dissent at the end of Brezhnev’s rule? List all reasons!

2 Détente and Arms Race

3 Arms Race! By 1949, the USSR & US achieved nuclear parity
Next, both countries worked frantically to produce the first hydrogen bomb. Besides weapon production, the countries also competed in space exploration, technology & stockpile of missiles.

4 Hydrogen Bomb Explosion
US exploded its first hydrogen bomb in It was 1000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. USSR detonated theirs in 1953

5 Soviet Program VS American Program
Both parties believed that more nukes = more power! Soviet Union built more nuclear weapons with cheaper quality. Americans built fewer nuclear weapons, but with better quality.

6 Arms Race!

7 Advancements in Missiles & Delivery
ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) MIRV (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) ICBM’s were designed to travel distances greater than 3,000 miles!

8 How an ABM works……

9 Testing of MIRV’s: all eight (ten capable) fired from only one missile
Testing of MIRV’s: all eight (ten capable) fired from only one missile. Each line represents the path of a warhead which, if it were live, would detonate with the explosive power of twenty-five Little Boys (Bomb used on Nagasaki)

10 Origins of Détente Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.)
Massive Retaliation Cuban Missile Crisis Economic problems: both would benefit from decrease in military spending

11 Détente: (1969-1980) “relaxation” of tensions between the superpowers; arms agreements

12 Détente weapon limitations
Test-Ban Treaty (1963) Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968) SALT I (1972) & SALT II (1979) Helsinki Accords (1975): “3 baskets”  security in Europe, co-operation in science & human rights START (1982)

13 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Nixon and Brezhnev signed SALT I in 1972 Both parties agreed to limits on nuclear stockpiles Included Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty; limited to 100 ABM’s


15 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Carter and Brezhnev signed SALT II in 1979 Both agreed to stop production of MIRV’s Banned new missile programs Led to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

16 1980’s: Political, Economic, Social Opposition
Why was there the growth of dissent at the end of Brezhnev’s rule? List all reasons!

17 End of Détente As economic/political dissent continued, Brezhnev looked for ways to re-assert his authority Increased military spending Continued covert ops around the world 1980 invasion of Afghanistan Brezhnev’s successors (Andropov & Chernenko) did not continue meetings with the U.S.

18 Brezhnev Dies in 1984 Andropov (8 months) Chernenko (11 months)

19 “How am I supposed to get anyplace with the Russians if they keep dying on me?”
–Ronald Reagan, upon hearing the news of Chernenko's death.

20 Détente goes global! Ostpolitik: Détente between Western Europe and the communist bloc Cooperation of the two German states West Germany + Poland/USSR Middle East – relations with Israel Sino-American détente

21 Sino-American Détente: 1969
The following events contributed to détente between China & the US……… 1970’s Withdrawal from Vietnam/Taiwan United Nations Soviet Union 1980’s Post-Mao economic reforms

22 Nixon becomes the first US president to visit China!!!

23 HOMEWORK: due Thursday!
Read about Sino-American détente! Pages


25 How did the American government use propaganda to fuel the arms race?
(Duck & Cover)

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