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Recent and on-going activities at JRC (item 5)

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1 Recent and on-going activities at JRC (item 5)
Expert Group on Forest Fires Barcelona, March16th-17th, 2014

2 EFFIS financing and operation - 2015
ENV – Environmental applications of EFFIS Establishment and maintenance of the EFFIS Fire Database Preparation and production of the annual report Forest Fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa EFFIS environmental applications and analysis of damages in Natura2000 ECHO – Support to the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) Daily reporting and weekly summary of fire activity Ad-hoc reports on critical fires for ERCC Activations in the fire campaign Maintenance and further development of the Forest Fires Assessment System, supporting international forest fire fighting collaboration.

3 EFFIS financing and operation - 2015
GROW – Operation of fire danger and burnt area mapping modules under the Copernicus regulation Initial activities and preparation of tenders for outsourcing in 2016 JRC will maintain and operate a shadow EFFIS system for a number of years to ensure continuity and quality control of products. Extension of the EFFIS to the Global Wildfire Information System Further development of EFFIS modules Integration of EFFIS with other Copernicus services (e.g. Emergency Mapping Services, Climate Services (atmospheric pollution), Global Landcover (burnt area mapping), etc. JRC Maintenance and further development of EFFIS

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