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Concurrency, Processes and Threads

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1 Concurrency, Processes and Threads
© 2004, D. J. Foreman

2 Concurrency The appearance that multiple actions are occurring at the same time On a uni-processor, something must make that happen A collaboration between the OS and the hardware On a multi-processor, the same problems exist (for each CPU) as on a uni-processor © 2004, D. J. Foreman

3 Multiprogramming … Combines multiplexing types:
Space-multiplexing - Physical Memory Time-multiplexing - Physical Processor Process0 Process1 Processn © 2004, D. J. Foreman

4 Multiprogramming-2 Multiprogramming defined Why it's desired
N programs apparently running simultaneously space-multiplexed in executable memory time-multiplexed across the central processor Why it's desired Greater throughput (work done per unit time) More work occurring at the same time Resources required CPU Memory © 2004, D. J. Foreman

5 The CPU Instruction cycles Modes of execution
Access memory and/or registers Sequential flow via "instruction register" One instruction-completion at a time (Pipelines only increase the # of completions per time unit). They are still sequential! Modes of execution Privileged (System) Non-privileged (User ) © 2004, D. J. Foreman

6 Memory Sequential addressing (0 – n) Partitioned System User
Inaccessible by user programs User Partitioned for multiple users Accessible by system programs © 2004, D. J. Foreman

7 Processes-1 A Process is
A running program & its address space A unit of resource management Independent of other processes NO sharing of memory with other processes May share files open at Fork time One program may start multiple processes, each in its own address space © 2004, D. J. Foreman

8 Processes-2 Abstraction
Memory Process-1 Process-n Instruction stream CPU Data stream Operating System © 2004, D. J. Foreman

9 Process & Address Space
Resources Data Resources Code Resources Stack Abstract Machine Environment Address Space © 2004, D. J. Foreman

10 Processes-3 The Process life-cycle (stages) Creation Execution states:
User or scheduled system activation Execution states: Running Performing instructions (using the ALU) Waiting Resources or Signals Ready All resources available except memory and ALU Termination Process is no longer available © 2004, D. J. Foreman

11 Processes-4 Space multiplexing More on this later
Each process operates in its own "address space" Address space is a sequence of memory locations (addresses) from 0 to 'n' as seen by the application Process addresses must be "mapped" to real addresses in the real machine More on this later © 2004, D. J. Foreman

12 Processes-5 Time multiplexing
Each process is given a small portion of time to perform instructions O/S controls the time per process and which process gets control next Many algorithms for this No rules (from user's/programmer's view) on which process will run next or for how long Some OS's dynamically adjust both time and sequence © 2004, D. J. Foreman

13 Processes-7 FORK (label) QUIT() JOIN (count) (an atomic operation)
Starts a process running from the labeled instruction – gets a copy of address space QUIT() Process terminates itself JOIN (count) (an atomic operation) Merges >=2 processes Really more like "quit, unless I'm the only process left" © 2004, D. J. Foreman

14 Threads-1 A unit of execution within a process (often called a lightweight process – an "lwp") also called a "task" Share address space, data and devices with other threads within the process Private stack, status (IC, state, etc) Multi-threading >1 thread per process Limited by system to some max # Per system Per process © 2004, D. J. Foreman

15 Thread Models DOS JRE Classic UNIX WinXX, Solaris, Linux, OS/2
© 2004, D. J. Foreman

16 Thread models Many to One (n ULT's - 1 KLT) One to One Many to Many
ULT block= process block One to One One ULT = distinct Kernel Level Thread. Thread block != process block, so more concurrency. Drawback: kernel is involved (context switching overhead) Many to Many Time multiplexing: m ULT's >=n KLT's True concurrency limited (scheduling ULT's) © 2004, D. J. Foreman

17 Threads-2 Several thread API's Linux: kernel-level threads & pthreads
Windows: kernel-level threads & pthreads OS/2: kernel-level threads Posix (pthreads) – full set of functions #include <pthread.h> // for C, C++ Allows porting without re-coding Java threads implemented in JVM, independent of OS support Like multiprogramming implementation in Win3.1 Uses underlying kernel support where available © 2004, D. J. Foreman

18 Threads-3 Windows (native) Solaris (native) - not discussed here
CreateThread(SecurityAttrs = NULL, InitialStackSize = 0, &StartRoutine, &parameter, Creation_flags=0, &thread_ID); Solaris (native) - not discussed here POSIX (Linux, Solaris, Windows) iret1 = pthread_create( &thread_id1, NULL, (void*) &my_thread_function, (void*) message1); Pthreads same behavior as POSIX Almost identical API as POSIX Implemented via Windows API (One to One model) © 2004, D. J. Foreman

19 Threads-4 Advantages of kernel-supported threads:
May request resources with or without blocking on the request Blocked thread does NOT block other threads Inexpensive context switch Utilize MP architecture Thread library for user threads is in user space Thread library schedules user threads onto LWP’s LWP’s are: implemented by kernel threads scheduled by the kernel. © 2004, D. J. Foreman

20 Solaris Threads Supports threads at both the kernel and user levels, + symmetric multiprocessing, and real-time scheduling. Implements the pthread API, + userlevel threads in a thread library with API’s for thread creation & management based on Solaris threads © 2004, D. J. Foreman

21 Java Thread Creation, Method 1
import java.lang.*; public class myCounter extends Thread {                         public void run()  //overrides                            {                       ....                     } } This creates an extension of the Thread class © 2004, D. J. Foreman

22 Now create the thread public class XYZ {
public static void main(String args[]) myCounter runner = new myCounter(); runner.start(); // this is thread 2 System.out.println(“I am the main thread”); } © 2004, D. J. Foreman

23 Java Thread Creation, Method 2
import java.lang.*; public class myCounter2 implements Runnable {                              public void run()                               {                                       System.out.println(“I am a Thread”);                      } } This is an Instance of the Thread class as a variable of the myCounter2 class – creates an interface Can also extend the myCounter2 class © 2004, D. J. Foreman

24 Now create the thread public class Do_it
{ public static void main (String args[]) { Runnable worker = new myCounter2(); Thread thrd = new Thread (worker); thrd.start(); System.out.println(“I am the main thread”); } © 2004, D. J. Foreman

25 Java & Threads-3 Difference between the two methods
Implementing Runnable -> greater flexibility in the creation of the class counter Thread class also implements the Runnable interface © 2004, D. J. Foreman

26 Java Thread Management
suspend() – suspends execution of the currently running thread. sleep() – puts the currently running thread to sleep for a specified amount of time. resume() – resumes execution of a suspended thread. stop() – stops execution of a thread. © 2004, D. J. Foreman

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