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6 Traits of Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "6 Traits of Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 Traits of Writing

2 Ideas and Content The Message
Is clear, focused and interesting Holds the reader’s attention Develops the theme or story line Has a clear main idea Contains relevant supporting details

3 Organization The Internal Structure
Showcases the main idea Has an inviting introduction (HOOK) Question -Setting Idiom -Quotation Anecdote -Pun Definition -A riddle Alliterative phrase -Words in BOLD CAPS! Exclamation (STOP! LOOK! LISTEN!) Sentence Fragments -Noises

4 Organization The Internal Structure
Has a reasonable conclusion Reminder statement Quotation Author’s feelings Predictions Summary statement An invitation to the reader Raise a further question to the reader

5 Organization The Internal Structure
Contains smooth transitions Sequence (again, also, and, then, etc.) Time (after a few days/awhile, soon after, etc.) Comparison (also, in the same way, etc.) Contrast (although, despite, on the contrary) Examples (such as, specifically, …) Cause and Effect (as a result, consequently..) Place (adjacent to, further on, nearby, …) Summary or Conclusion (as a result,…)

6 Organization The Internal Structure
Is logically sequenced Moves the reader through the text

7 Voice The Voice Behind the Words
Engages the reader Builds a relationship between reader and writer Is individualistic and expressive Is honest, appealing, and from the heart (for narrative) Shows a strong commitment to the topic

8 Word Choice The Language That Brings It to Life
Contains interesting and natural language Has precise, colorful words that fit just right (not overdone or undercooked) Creates a vivid picture in the reader’s mind

9 Sentence Fluency Rhythm and Flow
Flows and has rhythm (moves the reader through the text. Contains varied sentence length and structure. Sounds natural when read aloud Contains well-constructed sentence that show how ideas relate

10 Conventions The Mechanical Correctness
Demonstrates good control of mechanics: -grammar -punctuation -spelling -paragraphing -capitalization so that the message is clear.

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