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Freewrite Topic: If I were principal for a day, I would…

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Presentation on theme: "Freewrite Topic: If I were principal for a day, I would…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freewrite Topic: If I were principal for a day, I would…
Mr. Saadipour’s Class Room st Period: English I 2nd Period: English I 4th Period: English II Welcome! Please get out a notebook and get started on your Bellwork! Freewrite Topic: If I were principal for a day, I would…

2 Willkommen, Bienvenue, WELCOME
Willkommen, Bienvenue, WELCOME!!! “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.” ~William Shakespeare, As You Like It Questions Everyone wants answered on the 1st day: Am I in the right room? Mr. Saadipour, 2117 Where do I sit? You should have been given a number and you should be in the seat with that number! Will this teacher treat me fairly? Yes, Always!!

3 Questions, cont… What will I be doing this semester?
Check you syllabus for a list of texts. We will also be reading selections from the text book and looking at grammar, usage, and mechanics in the language books! The daily agenda will always be posted on the board so you can see what we are doing each day!

4 Questions, cont… How will I be graded?
You will be graded according to the Granville County Grading Scale. Check the syllabus for the breakdown of assessments in the class! A 85-92 B 77-84 C 70-76 D 0-69 F

5 Questions, cont… See your course syllabus for any additional questions, but always remember to: BE- Be prepared! HAVE- Have Respect! DO- Always Do your best!

6 Mr. Saadipour’s Guidelines
Guidelines are general Rules that apply to this classroom and must be followed to ensure this classroom is running properly!

7 Guideline #1 Students need to be in their assigned seat working quietly on the posted Bellwork when the bell rings to avoid being counted tardy.

8 Guideline #2 No eating, drinking (with the exception of bottled water), or SLEEPING in class!

9 Guideline #3 No talking without permission. There will be plenty opportunities for your voice to be heard and expressed in this classroom.

10 Guideline #4 Take care of all personal business before coming to class. You need to be in here to be learning!

11 Guideline #5 Be sure to follow all the guidelines set in the Granville Central High School Student Parent Handbook. They will be enforced. Including: Tardy Policy Dress Code Cell Phones

12 Guidelines, cont… Remember to: BE PREPARED- with all materials and HW
HAVE RESPECT- at all times to the instructor, your classmates, and YOURSELF DO YOUR BEST- ask questions, participate in class, and make a difference

13 Following Guidelines Following guidelines will result in:
Verbal Acknowledgement A Stress-free learning environment A classroom that operates as a community of respect and learning!

14 NOT following Guidelines will result in:
1st: Warning and Documentation Guideline Infraction Notice 2nd: Parental Contact and/or Detention 3rd: Administrative Referral **Note: You may be referred if your offense is severe enough the 1st time**


16 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES A procedure is the way we do things.
It is not a rule, so you will not be punished or rewarded for doing it. It’s just how we make this classroom run! To make things work we must follow procedures. For example: To open your locker, you have to select your combination as directed by the lock manufacturer. To cook a delicious meal, you need to follow the steps in the recipe. To place a call on your phone, you need to dial the number in the right order. The Classroom is no different. To learn, we must have procedures!

17 ENTRANCE Please Enter QUIETLY Sit in you assigned seat
Take out materials Review daily agenda Begin assigned Bellwork!

18 Tardiness EXCUSED: If you are excused you should have a pass. Place the pass on my desk and go immediately to you desk and begin working UNEXCUSED: If you do not have a pass go straight to your desk and begin working.

19 Getting Your Attention
There will be times when you will be working in groups or individually and I will need the attention of the class. I will: Raise my Hand in the air You will: Get quiet Face me Wait for instructions

20 How to Head Your Papers We will use the MLA formatting and each of you will have a Unique Number to use as well. This must be placed on all assignments turned in to me!

21 MLA Paper Heading Format
Name, Unique Number Mr. Saadipour English I/II: Period Date

22 Example… Jane Doe, 24 Mr. Saadipour English I: 1st Period 19 May 2019

23 Instructional Time Please raise your hand when you have a question and response. Do not talk while anyone else is talking Please do not interrupt with unrelated questions Follow Instructions completely before beginning your task

24 Finishing Classwork Early
You may quietly read a book You may work on other English assignments or make-up work You may start working on that day’s homework. You may NOT talk or be out of your seat.

25 Group Work Several times in this class you will be asked to work in groups. Assigned Groups: Sometimes I will assign groups and you will have to work in these groups without complaint or asking to switch. You must: Work together to complete the task Stay focused Include everyone as an important part of your group Student Choice Groups or Pairs I may let you pick a partner or group from time to time with the following understanding: You must stay focused and on task The assignment must be completed in the alotted time, if it is not you will not receive credit If you are not working on the assigned task your group will be changed

26 Using a Restroom Pass If you must use a restroom pass, please follow this procedure: Make sure you have a pass remaining, and fill out all the necessary info Raise three fingers in the air as if you were raising your hand for a question If I nod at you: You may get up and go to the restroom with your filled out pass in hand. When you return place the pass on my desk Return to your seat and continue working If I shake my head at you: Please wait until a more convenient time to ask again NOTE: If it is an emergency please just leave the room and explain later, I would hate for anyone to get sick in class!

27 Passing in Papers Place your paper on the desk to your right.
If/When you have received a paper on your desk you may place yours on top, Pass the pile to the right I will come by and pick up all the piles of papers. Sometimes I may ask you to turn in your papers to the correct tray. Please make sure you place your paper in the ivory tray that is for your period! Do so in an orderly fashion (Do not just throw your papers in the tray!)

28 Moving Around the Room When teacher/student instructing or talking or during a discussion: Do not get up and move around the room. Do not ask to get out of your seat during discussions unless it is an emergency. If you need to be out of your seat ask permission by raising your hand and pointing to what you need (i.e. pencil sharpener, tissue) Immediately return to seat after finishing your business.

29 End of Class The teacher dismisses you, NOT the bell!
Please do not start packing up your things until you are dismissed You may leave when the teacher says, “Have a wonderful day!” Please make sure you desk and the area around are free of any trash and that you throw it away on your way out.

30 Absences It is your responsibility to find out what you have missed while you were out. Check the tray for anything you may need to pick up. Check the notebook or check with me AFTER class to see if you need to makeup anything else.

31 Always Remember… I KNOW that each and every one of you has what it takes to succeed in this class, and I hope that you adapt the same attitude! Have a WONDERFUL Semester!

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