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Seven Guiding Principles for U-46 Secondary Grading

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Presentation on theme: "Seven Guiding Principles for U-46 Secondary Grading"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seven Guiding Principles for U-46 Secondary Grading
Guideline 4

2 Guideline # 4 Students should be expected to complete work for credit.

3 Rationale In order for students to be college and work ready, they must show mastery of the standards-based learning targets by completing ALL assignments.

4 Rationale A culture for learning is built where every assignment is connected to the mastery of the skill; therefore, must be completed.

5 Implementation The opportunity to turn in work late has to be provided to students, however, the teacher has the right to establish a limit when late work is no longer accepted. Deadlines and/or Penalties Consistency within departments (same subject teachers) is highly recommended.

6 Implementation Clear verbal and written instructions/expectations will be provided to students and parents that all assigned work will be completed. Course outline Syllabus Class Letter Curriculum Night Other

7 Considerations Student input considered for deadlines
Due dates are communicated in advance Due dates are allowed within a range of dates Staggered due dates Sign-up dates Extensions for submission of assignments based on individual circumstances Opportunities to support students in meeting deadlines could be provided by individual sites Homework Club with Activity Bus



10 Wrap up

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