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Portuguese Expansion.

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1 Portuguese Expansion

2 Background Ottoman Empire monopoly over trade Precedents Crusades
Ming dynasty Religion



5 Henry the Navigator Portuguese Prince
Search to find a new route to Asia 1418, sent out observers Reached western bulge of Africa

6 Bartholomew Dias 1488, Round the tip of Africa “Cape of Good Hope”

7 Vasco de Gama 1498 sets out for India Reaches Calicut, India
Establishes trading posts Second voyage, Ventures as far as China

8 Muslim Reaction 1509, major skirmish Egyptian-Turk-Arabs
Muslim fleets decimated Portuguese use superior ships Caravel


10 South America Pedro Alvarez Cabral, 1500 Portuguese claim Brazil
Native tribes Colonization begun 1534 Export sugar Import slaves


12 Spanish Explorations

13 Unification of Spain Initially several states Mostly Muslim
Ferdinand and Isabel’s marriage Defeated Muslim leader, Abu-al-Hasan Unite various states into Spain

14 Catholic Spain Spanish Inquisition
Converso (conversions) or expellsiun

15 Ambitions to Go Abroad Severed relations with Ottoman Empire
Portugal found route around Africa Decided not to go northward Only other option: Westward across the Atlantic Ocean

16 Christopher Columbus Conflicting reports
Based research off of Marco Polo Miscalculated circumference of the Earth Quest for a donor

17 Columbus’ Voyages 1492 1493 1498 1502


19 Spain and Portugal Rivalries Pope Alexander VI
Treaty of Tordesilla (1449)

20 Conquest of the Aztecs Cortes arrives in 1519
Initially amicable relationship Kills off huge percentage of Aztec population Disrupted Aztec tribute system

21 Conquest of the Incas 1533, first encounter Emperor Arahaulpa
Conquistador Francisco Pizarro Disease decimates Inca civilization

22 Philip II Known as the Siglo de Oro Co-ruled with his crazy sister
Conquered most of Portuguese Empire Devoutly Roman Catholic

23 Crusade Against the Muslims
Invaded Northern Africa in 1567 Pushed back Muslim forces (buffer zone) 1570, uprooting of Muslims 1571, Pope calls for Holy War against Ottoman Empire

24 English-Spanish Warfare
Henry VIII initially married to Catherine of Aragon Philip tried to create a marriage alliance with Elizabeth I When this failed, invaded in 1585 Spanish Armada badly defeated

25 Atlantic Slave Trade

26 Background Definition? As old as civilization Aristotle
Rome and Plantations Muslims and African slave trade

27 Why Was Atlantic Slave Trade Worse
Staggering Numbers 12 million people sold Sent to Caribbean, Brazil, United States

28 Acquisition of Slaves Africa, series of civilizations
Africans captured during war sold into slave trade Economic commodity Shipped to the Americas



31 Life of a Slave Sold on the market Work and terror
Household or agricultural work In Brazil, harvested sugar cane

32 Life Expectancies Brazil – live to about 23
Live longer in U.S. and British colonies Resulted in other problems

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