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Mr. Christensen’s Class

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Christensen’s Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Christensen’s Class


3 Class Rules Respect yourself and others.

4 Entering the Room Sit down and get to work before the bell rings
Most days bell work will be posted on the board – DO IT!!! Bell work will be handed in every Friday.

5 Entering the Room Bring all needed materials
Lap Top, Notebook/Paper and Pencil EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Other materials you will be told when to bring them

6 Agenda Every Monday copy agenda posted on the white board
This will keep you aware of what is going on, check for changes every day

7 Attendance If you get to class late, you need to write your name, the time you arrived, and your reason for being late on the tardy log. Otherwise you’ll be marked absent. Tardies 1st = Warning 2nd = Parent contact and short detention or in class punishment (standing) 3rd = Detention 4th = Administration referral

8 Attendance Absences More than 5 unexcused = no credit for class.

9 Lap Tops We will use the Lap Tops most days.
You are only allowed on sites that I tell you to go on. If we are taking notes, NO INTERNET OR GAMES 1 warning then detention Make sure to back up your electronic work (flash drive or )!

10 NOTEBOOK Your notebook is your tool of surviving this class
Everything that you need for a test or quiz will be in your notebook Keep it neat and orderly with the tabs Cornell Style Notes May be kept electronically on your Lap Top

11 Cornell Notes Main Ideas Notes - Outine A. B. Questions C. D. Pictures

12 Discussions and Lectures
See Rule # 1 If you would like to talk, raise your hand LISTENING is the most important part

13 Sharpening Pencil – Trash Cans
Before class –or- during work time just go Ask permission during a lecture or discussion – wait for a break

14 Assignments All assignments MUST have: Name, Date, Assignment, Period on them in the upper right corner of the paper Hand in assignment on time for full credit – late work will be accepted for partial credit – 50%

15 If you finish early… Look for a further assignment
Work on another assignment or homework Read a book This is not free time to talk

16 In Class Work Work quietly in your seat – you can earn working with a partner If in groups talk quietly and stay on task

17 Groups I WILL ASSIGN YOUR GROUPS!!! Unless you have earned the right to do so yourselves

18 Make-Up Work If you are gone it is YOUR RESPOSNSIBLITY to get the work/notes/tests that you missed Instructions for past assignments are available online at:

19 Illness in Class Tell me at the beginning of class if you are not feeling well If an emergency situation arises get out of the class room

20 Cell Phones/Ipods/MP3 If I see it I will take it
Keep it out of sight and sound and we will have no problem

21 End of Class Keep on task until I tell you to do otherwise
The bell does NOT dismiss you; I do. Do not begin packing up your stuff if we are still working

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