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SIS Training August 3, 2011 Michelle Blatt Mary Lu MacCorkle

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Presentation on theme: "SIS Training August 3, 2011 Michelle Blatt Mary Lu MacCorkle"— Presentation transcript:

1 SIS Training August 3, 2011 Michelle Blatt Mary Lu MacCorkle
How Are We Doing? SIS Training August 3, 2011 Michelle Blatt Mary Lu MacCorkle

2 Building Capacity for Reflection, Monitoring

3 Building Capacity for Reflection, Monitoring

4 How will we use this document?
Now: What evidence will help stakeholders understand where they are? As we proceed through the year: Periodic self-assessment using a 1-10 scale of implementation. Used with SIS, Leadership Teams, Faculty Senate, Collaborative Teams

5 We’ll self-assess

6 Evidence Brainstorm examples of evidence to verify where your school/team is at this moment on a criteria. When time is called, choose 7-10 to put on post-its

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