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Padmashri M.R Kurup Memorial Lecture pgm of ISNT Tvm chapter: Presidential Address by Chapter chairman Shri.S Saratchandran.

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Presentation on theme: "Padmashri M.R Kurup Memorial Lecture pgm of ISNT Tvm chapter: Presidential Address by Chapter chairman Shri.S Saratchandran."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISNT Thiruvananthapuram Chapter AGM ,MR Kurup memorial Lecture and family get-together

2 Padmashri M.R Kurup Memorial Lecture pgm of ISNT Tvm chapter: Presidential Address by Chapter chairman Shri.S Saratchandran

3 Padmashri M. R Kurup Memorial Lecture by Shri N
Padmashri M.R Kurup Memorial Lecture by Shri N. Narayanamoorthy (Senior Advisor,Launch Vehicle, VSSC) on the topic ‘Engineering Risk Analysis and Mitigation’


5 Chapter chairman Shri Saratchandran presenting a memento to Shri Narayanamoorthy

6 Annual Family Get-together Technical Talk by Dr
Annual Family Get-together Technical Talk by Dr. Ajit C Sekhar (Medical Officer, VSSC) on the topic “Non-communicable Diseases”

7 Audience of Annual Family Get-together Technical Talk

8 Audience of Annual Family Get-together Technical Talk

9 Chapter former chairman Dr. Annamala Pillai presenting memento to Dr
Chapter former chairman Dr. Annamala Pillai presenting memento to Dr.Ajit C Sekhar

10 Chapter treasurer Shri P
Chapter treasurer Shri P.N Gopakumar presenting the audited statement of accounts

11 Returning officer Shri L Mohankumar presenting the panel of new office bearers

12 New chairman Shri G Levin addressing the gathering

13 Joint secretary Shri Remakanthan proposing vote of thanks.

14 New office bearers of ISNT tvm chapter.
From left: Shri Shanmughavel (Secretary), Shri G Levin (Chairman), Shri Mohan Anantha Narayanan (Vice chairman) and Shri P.N Gopakumar (Treasurer)

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