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The Union in Peril Slavery becomes the dominant issue in U.S. politics, leading to the birth of new political parties, the election of Abraham Lincoln,

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Presentation on theme: "The Union in Peril Slavery becomes the dominant issue in U.S. politics, leading to the birth of new political parties, the election of Abraham Lincoln,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Union in Peril Slavery becomes the dominant issue in U.S. politics, leading to the birth of new political parties, the election of Abraham Lincoln, and the secession of Southern states. Dred Scott portrait NEXT

2 The Divisive Politics of Slavery
Section 1 The Divisive Politics of Slavery The issue of slavery dominates U.S. politics in the early 1850s. NEXT

3 Journal WarmuP IMAGINE: Intelligent free thinking and learning robots become common in the USA in the next 40 years Will it be MORALLY right to OWN them as property? And would they become slaves to us? Why or why not give 3 reasons? Guess: WHY have places HAD Slavery? How many civilizations or countries can you name that HAD slaves? Is Slavery still around today anywhere in the world?

4 The Divisive Politics of Slavery
1 SECTION The Divisive Politics of Slavery Differences Between North and South Industry and Immigration in the North 1850s North industrialized; makes large amount, variety of products Large Railroad network carry raw materials east, manufactures and settlers west - telegraph wires provide fast communication Immigrants become industrial workers, fear expansion of slavery South: predominantly rural, mostly plantations and small farms Economy relies on cash crops; manufacture under 10% of U.S. goods Loss of slavery will change society, economy Map Continued . . . NEXT

5 Fugitive Slaves and the Underground Railroad
The Fugitive Slave Act • Fugitive Slave Act—part of Compromise of 1850, has very harsh terms • Alleged fugitives denied jury trial, right to testify on own behalf • Federal commissioners paid more for returning than freeing accused • People convicted of helping a fugitive fined, imprisoned, or both Resisting the Law • Northerners send fugitives to Canada, some use force in rescues • Personal liberty laws forbid prison for fugitives, grant jury trials Continued . . . NEXT

6 Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad
continued Fugitive Slaves and the Underground Railroad Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad • Underground Railroad—secret network of people who help slaves escape • Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery, becomes conductor on 19 trips • Fugitives go on foot at night, often no food, avoiding armed patrols • Some fugitives stayed in North; others go on to Canada Harriet Tubman VLA: Image Uncle Tom’s Cabin • Abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin stirs protest • Uncle Tom’s Cabin shows slavery as moral problem, not just political NEXT

7 Slavery Dominates Politics
Dred Scott Decision • Dred Scott, slave who had lived in free areas sues for freedom • 1857, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney hands down decision - slaves do not have rights of citizens - no claim to freedom, suit begun in slave state - Congress cannot forbid slavery in territories VLA: Image NEXT

8 Lincoln debates, Election and Southern Seccession Warmup Journal:
1. What are some (2to4) ways you can potentially win an argument and gain friends to your “ side”…WITHOUT resorting to violence….. 2. Did you ever want to QUIT some team or group you were a part of? What Made you want to quit? Or What makes people want to “give up” or Quit something in general? (2to 3 explained guesses)…More equal more credit

9 Section 2 Chapter 10: Lincoln Douglas Debates, Lincoln’s Election of 1860, & The South leaves US….

10 Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858
Lincoln Challenges Douglas 1858, Republican Abraham Lincoln runs for Douglas’s Senate seat Because Lincoln unknown, challenges Douglas to 7 debates Douglas: slavery backward, not immoral; Lincoln: slavery immoral Douglas thinks popular sovereignty will undo slavery Lincoln thinks legislation needed to stop spread of slavery Both men distort other’s views, make them seem extreme Douglas wins seat Continued . . . NEXT

11 4 SECTION continued Lincoln-Douglas Debates The Freeport Doctrine Lincoln: how to form free states if territories must allow slavery Douglas’s Freeport Doctrine—elect leaders who do not enforce slavery Douglas wins seat; doctrine worsens regional split between Democrats Lincoln’s attacks on “vast moral evil” of slavery draw attention Lincoln Douglass Debates VLA: NEXT

12 Passions Ignite Harpers Ferry John Brown’s Hanging
Abolitionist John Brown plans to start a slave uprising, needs weapons 1859, leads band to federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry to get arms U.S. Marines put down rebellion, capture Brown John Brown’s Hanging Brown is hanged for high treason, December 1859 Many Northerners admire Brown; Southerners fear future uprisings ARM THEIR Militias Well! Brown warns of Nation drenched in “blood” NEXT

13 Lincoln Is Elected President
The Election of 1860 * Republicans put Abraham Lincoln on Ballot due to debate performance vs Democrat candidate Douglas in 1858 Democrats split over slavery Lincoln wins with less than half of popular vote - gets no Southern electoral votes Map NEXT

14 Southern Secession South Carolina and 6 other states secede:
- want complete independence from federal control - fear end to their way of life - want to preserve slave labor system Feb Confederacy or Confederate States of America forms Confederacy permits slavery, recognizes each state’s sovereignty Former senator Jefferson Davis unanimously elected president Continued . . . NEXT

15 VLAS: John Brown’s Raid:
Election of 1860: Wrap Up: Whip Around Review of 1 FACT Learned …. With World Ball passing… Number of facts said by student sequal amount TAKEN off Required Weekend Review ……No repeats!

16 Chapter 10 Review…. Based on the BALL review…. Look Up 30( -Fun Facts said )… ON Abe Lincoln these can be his QUOTES or life events…. Number your LIST to the required number….and write each fact about Lincoln down… Include a URL…. Counts as an ICR grade…

17 Wrap Up Creative Arts Activity
Using the Notes we just took…. Draw 2 IMAGES that illustrate some person Or Event We learned about today…. DON’T Use ANY Words on your Images YOU Will share them on the LUMENS Device OR you can volunteer to QUICKLY sketch it on the White Board and have students GUESS it……

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