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Instructions Press enter at the end of reading everything on this page. Click on the number (under the category-picture) you wish to answer After answering.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions Press enter at the end of reading everything on this page. Click on the number (under the category-picture) you wish to answer After answering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions Press enter at the end of reading everything on this page. Click on the number (under the category-picture) you wish to answer After answering a question (right or wrong), click on the green arrow which will navigate you back to the questions’ page: After going through each question and getting them correct, you now have additional knowledge to help you with Secondary 5 Canadian Law

2 LEGAL TERMS Q#: Q#: Q#: FAMILY Q#: Q#: 1 Q#: 1

3 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Q1
A person walks up to you, pulls out their knife and demands you give them your belongings. Under the Canadian Charter, what right(s) is this person violating? Freedom of conscience and religion The right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment Right to life, liberty and the security of the person None of the above



6 Criminal Law Q1 Which of the following is eligible to be a member of a jury: A) A 17-year-old college student B) A parish priest C) A member of Parliament D) A probation officer E) None of the above

7 Practice Statement Q1 To which ‘House’ does the passage refer? (Sources of Law) A) House of Commons B) House of Lords C) House of Appeal D) The White House

8 I cannot believe you actually clicked “The White House”…

9 Practice Statement Q2 Why is the Practice Statement of great importance? A) It allows the court to change its mind; to not follow its own precedent B) It allows the court to practice new law techniques in court C) It allows the court to give power to the jury D) It allows the court to change their judges throughout a case

10 Practice Statement Q3 The Practice Statement helps keep the law up to date. Why is this important? A) The law must be updated so that we can waste paper B) The law must be updated because society and its values and morals are changing constantly C) The law must be updated because society has grown dumber D) None of the above E) All of the above

11 The fact that you chose this answer only proves that it is true .

12 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Q2
In the case R. v. M (M.R.), a student attended a dance and was called into the office by the principal. The principal- having suspicion that this student was carrying illegal substances, searched the student. Later, the student claims in court that his rights were violated. Which right(s) was violated according to him? A) Freedom of peaceful assembly and of association B) Right to life, liberty and the security of the person C) Right to be secure against unreasonable search and seizure D) The right not to be tried or punished twice for a same crime

13 Magistrates’ Court - Appeal
How does the process of an appeal- following the Magistrates’ Court, occur? A) Proceeding the Magistrates’ Court, the defence appeals to the Crown Court and may proceed directly to the House of Lords B) Proceeding the Magistrates’ Court, the prosecution may appeal to the Crown Court C) Proceeding the Magistrates’ Court, the defence appeals to the Crown Court and then to the Queen’s Bench Divisional Court. D) Proceeding the Magistrates’ Court, the prosecution may appeal to the Queen’s Bench Divisional Court and then to the Crown Court

14 Contract Law Q1 Sarah promises to pay her daughter, Kylie, $20 per week if she will do the household cleaning. Kylie keeps up her side of the bargain, but after five weeks Sarah has only paid Kylie $10. Why can or can’t Kylie claim the money owed? A) She can claim it because her mom promised her B) She can claim the money because she held her end of the bargain C) She can’t claim the money because her mom didn’t promise her D) She can’t claim the money because there was no written proof of the deal

15 Legal Terms Q1 What is ratio decidendi?
A) A ratio of dead people to number of killers B) A written statement; reason for a verdict by a judge C) A judge’s ability to not accept a case in the unlikely event that they know either the prosecution or the defendant. D) A justification of killing somebody

16 Legal Terms Q2 What is habeas corpus?
A) The ensuring that a person can be released from unlawful detention B) The ensuring that a person can justify hitting an officer of the law C) The method used to help a person to safety and security D) An ‘off-topic’ thought of the judge in their verdict statement

17 Legal Terms Q3 What is obiter dicta?
A) The written statement of a judge justifying their verdict B) The writing style used by judges C) A term that signifies that a judge is allowed to kick the defendant and/or prosecution out of their court D) Off-topic thoughts of a judge, but still written in the ratio decidendi and still relevant to the case E) All of the above

18 Family Law Q1 A couple gets married. Greg is 17 and his girlfriend Jane is 16. They are later prosecuted for fraudulent matters. Is this marriage valid? A) Yes B) No

19 You are right! Despite being underage and having the possibility of being prosecuted for fraudulent purposes, the marriage is still ‘valid’.

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