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Colonial Government A Need for Reform List of Grievances

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1 Colonial Government A Need for Reform List of Grievances
The Situation in Lower Canada Rebellion and Reform

2 Representative Government
A government made up of people who are elected by voters to make laws on their behalf We vote in who we want to represent our needs in government* Provincial Example Vancouver Island Elizabeth May Federal Example Justin Trudeau

3 Responsible Government
Governments can be voted out if elected representatives fail to please a majority of the people who elected them Governments are responsible for fulfilling our needs , so if they fail we vote them out! Vote of Non- Confidence

4 Why are they Important? They form the cornerstones of Democracy
- a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections. Democracy on paper! Who was really in control?

5 Early Colonial Government
Colonial governments were indirectly run form Britain. Britain appointed a Governor but he ruled according to what the Oligarchy demanded This policy put power in the hands of the Oligarchy who ran the government Family Compact / Chateau Clique No Representative or Responsible Government See page 66

6 What is an Oligarchy? A small group of ruling elite
Family Compact or Chateau Clique Upper class officials in Upper/Lower Canada who made up the Executive Council Controlled the government, government jobs, and spending of tax money

7 Family Compact Small closed group of upper class English men who exercised most of the political, economic and judicial power in Upper Canada Who got government jobs How to spend tax money How government was run Made up the Executive council in Upper Canada

8 Château Clique Small closed group of upper class English men who exercised most of the political, economic and judicial power in Lower Canada Invested in shipping and canals to have total control mover Lower Canada Control of shipping = control of the colonies

9 Oligarchies Exist Today!
The illusion of democracy as control of politics and economics in the hands of the wealthy 1% of the population controls 99% of the wealth and power

10 Upper Canada 1791 1791 The Constitution Act established the government of Upper Canada Divided Upper and Lower Canada Created an elected law making Legislative Assembly, a governor, and 2 councils made up the government

11 Elected Legislative Assembly gave the illusion of democracy
Every property owning male could vote BUT The Governor and 2 councils (executive) he appointed had all the power Family Compact / Chateau Clique Any law the Elected Legislative Assembly tried to pass could be vetoed by the other branches of government


13 William Lyon Mackenzie: Led the reform movement in Upper Canada
Despised the ruling oligarchy/ Family Compact Published articles in the Colonial Advocate criticizing the government Wanted American Style democracy 1812 Elected to the Legislative Assembly

14 List of Grievances in Upper Canada
Land- overpriced, good land gone, Family Compact dominated land ownership, crown and clergy reserve land blocked road construction Roads- wanted more roads and better quality roads Government- oligarchy controls the government, Governor and 2 councils have all control, Legislative Assembly powerless

15 Controlling Opposition through Violence and Intimidation
Robert Gourley drew up the list of grievances and petitioned the government to change he was arrested and deported out of the colony William Lyon Mackenzie’s newspaper Burned office and printing press

16 Problems seem worse in Lower Canada
The French population felt culturally attacked Why: the ruling class was English BUT the majority of people were French French population feared the loss of their Language Religion culture

17 Power In Lower Canada English Speaking Minority held all the power in Lower Canada Those who control the money control the politics and policies ¼ of the population in control Just like today 1% of the population controls the world

18 Fearing Your Authority
French thought the British were going to phase out the “French Problem” Britain encouraged English settlement Encouraged assimilation to British culture

19 Reform Movement In Lower Canada Main Grievances
Discrimination: French discriminated against by English Majority Government: Lack of French Representation in Government Taxes: Opposed taxation without representation Schools: No French schools in Lower Canada Farmers in debt: Land overworked from too many immigrants

20 Louis Joseph Papineau: Leader of Radical Reformers in Lower Canada
Initially optimistic about British rule but disagreed about British controlling all power Became the leader of the Parti Canadien Lobbied for Reform After 30 years of legal attempts to reform, Papineau and his patriots rebelled against the government

21 Controlling Opposition through Violence and Intimidation
The Governor of Lower Canada arrested anyone who criticized the government and closed papers that promoted reform 1822 British soldiers shot protestors in Montreal

22 Remember there are Good Guys

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