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Items you should have picked up:

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1 Items you should have picked up:
Personal Info Sheet - Turn this in at the end of meeting Order Form - New Member - Pink, Returning Member – Green (Return Tonight) Camp Schedule, Football Schedule, Important Dates - Take home Contact Information Sheet (Return Tonight) Camp Permission Forms (Return Tonight) I suggest you keep a personal file, binder, or folder at home for all Tiger Belle paperwork.

2 Director Olivia Thompson
I am from Salt Lake City, Utah where I attended Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts and was a member of the elite dance conservatory. I was then a Kilgore College Rangerette on the 74th line I then attended Stephen F. Austin State University where I earned her Bachelor of Science in Dance Performance and Choreography and a Minor in Theater. While attending SFA, I was a member of the dance department’s Repertory Dance Company and the Dancers Against Cancer organization. I work as officer and team staff with American Dance/Drill Team teaching and adjudicating for 5 years. I am currently an NFL cheerleader with the Houston Texans for my second year. I am so excited to live yet another one of my dreams here at Klein Collins, directing the Tiger Belles.

3 Booster Club Information
The Booster Club Board has been voted in by current Booster Club members. The Booster Club is a separate, legal entity from KISD. It is a non-profit, IRS-registered organization. Only officers of the Booster Club are authorized to conduct official club business. For any questions, comments, feedback or proposals, please send an to A board member will respond typically on the same day. All official Booster Club communications will be sent from this address. The Booster Club Facebook group is KCTBBC Members. Event announcements and updates can be found here. Online payments can be made at:

4 2019–2020 Booster Club Board President - Amanda Anderson Vice President - Stephanie Lampe Secretary - Rochelle Jackson Treasure - Elizabeth Casas New Parent Liasons: Amber Trevillian   Lena Taylor  

5 1. Total fees due will be sent via and a hard copy will be sent home with your Belle. This amount will include fees you pay today and prior to today. 2. For field/band days, you must wear black leggings or black Nike shorts. 3. Belles can purchase make-up through Lizzie Cook today. If not, come take a pic of colors to match. 4. Belles are required to purchase their own black racerback sports bra for practices. Fees/Orders Booster Fee New= $150 Returning=$125 Line Camp Fee $450 *Items are grouped by who you will make payment to. Please make sure to total out your items in the correct boxes and do NOT combine checks!* PLEASE LOOK AT BOTTOM OF ORDER FORM FOR YOUR TOTALS. DON’T FORGET OPTIONAL ITEMS! Bows by Deborah - New Belle Parents, Please meet with Deborah tonight to purchase your team bow. They are $12.00 Mary-Kay Make-Up, Lizzie Cook - Optional - Not required for team make-up but ½ profits go back to team. Your first team lipstick is being purchased for you. Houston Embroidery - Optional - Parent Spirit Wear!

6 New Member Order Form

7 Returning Member Order Form

8 Yard Sign & Car Decal - Optional

9 Summer Dance Hours Summer dance technique hours are based on your judge’s score. Once you’ve completed those hours, you will receive merits for each additional hour. Ballet hours receive two merits. Additional summer dance hours forms are on the Belle website. If your missing summer technique hours, you will receive a demerit for every hour missed. Klein Oak Company class info out soon Eligible classes: ballet, jazz, lyrical/contemporary, turns and leaps, stretch and strengthen, drill team prep, summer dance camps, dance workshops

10 Summer Dance Hours

11 Merit System The 2019-2020 merit system begins today.
3 Merits cancel 1 demerit. Only on the first day of Belle camp can you bring in items and receive merits (tissues, girl products, band aids, etc.) Only non-permanent demerits can be cancelled out by merits. Merits are earned every grading period for 90’s and above. Miscellaneous merits will be given throughout the year when the opportunity presents itself.

12 Volunteer Hours 2019-2020 Volunteer hours begin now.
Belles have received volunteer hours sheets and there are extra on our website. 20 Volunteer hours are due by January 29, 2020. Volunteer hour opportunities are posted on the band app. We will be completing one team volunteer activity, (hours tba). For every 3 cans of food brought in for the KC food bank, they will receive 1 hour. Limit - 5 hours or 15 cans. If you have volunteer opportunities to share, please contact Miss Thompson.

13 American Dance and Drill Team Camp, Moody Gardens Resort
Team Summer Camp American Dance and Drill Team Camp, Moody Gardens Resort KCHS Departure, 6:30AM, July 16th. Belles need to arrive at 5:45 that morning to check squads at 6:00. Parents can join to watch camp evaluation on July 18th, beginning at 11am. On July 19th we will attend the on site Moody Gardens water park. Parents can check Belles out at 1pm. Breakfast is NOT included in their camp package but the booster club will be providing snacks. KCHS Return, 6:30PM, July 19th.

14 Physical Forms PHYSICAL FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED BY A PHYSICIAN ON THE KISD PHYSICAL FORM. Online Physical Agreement form must be filled out by parents. Athletics, Sports Medicine, click HERE Direct Link Physician physical forms are due to Miss Thompson by the next parent meeting on May 22nd. Belles will not be allowed to participate in summer camp or perform at the first 2 football games if physical forms are not turned in by May 22nd.

15 Important Dates May 15th - Mandatory New Team Practice 4:45-6:15
May 22nd - Mandatory New Team Practice 4:45-6:15 May 22nd -Parent 6:30pm (physicals due) June 15th - Mandatory line camp practice at KCHS 4-6 June 15th - Parent Meeting 6-7pm to parent requirements of Belles June 16th - June 19th - Line camp at Moody Gardens Resort August 2, 5, 6, 7th, 8am-4pm, 10th 4pm-8pm Belle Camp at KCHS *New Belles/Seniors come at 2pm on the 10th* August - Team Picnic location/date announced at next meeting August 21th - Practice 3:15-5:15 starts first day of school Football Buddy Social - TBA , 3:15 - 6pm. Band Buddy Social - TBA , 3:15 - 6pm.

16 Important Dates, continued

17 Computers 1 - Band App will be our main means of communication for this upcoming year. 2 - Please make sure your is correct on the computer. 3 - PHYSICAL AGREEMENTS – You must fill out the online physical forms before you leave today.

18 Meeting Checklist Pay Booster Club fee to Tiger Belles Booster Club Pay camp fee to KCHS Take pic of make-up colors or order through Lizzie Cook New Members, purchase team bow Turn in: Personal information form, order form & camp form Add your self to the group Add yourself to Band app ***PLEASE CHECK TOTALS AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR ORDER FORM FOR HOW MUCH YOU OWE IN TOTAL.*** RETURNING PARENTS - Pay FIRST, computers second NEW PARENTS- Computers FIRST, pay second

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