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Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Response Plan
The ERP is a guide to coordinate emergency response by a number of agencies. Provides protection of residents, business and visitors alike during complex emergency situations. An arrangement of procedures & protocols that are outside the typical day-to-day operations of emergency services.
Emergency Response Plan
Emergencies as defined under the plan include: A situation or impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property, Caused by a force of nature, a disease or other health risk, accident, or an intentional act.
Emergency Response Plan
Authority to respond to emergencies; Emergency Management & Civil Protection Act, RSO 1990 as amended City of Owen Sound Bylaw –Revised annually (EMCPA 2.1) - will be on January 25/16 agenda The Act states the head of council may declare an Emergency exists and may take such action and/ or make orders as necessary to protect the health safety and welfare of the community The Act Indemnifies the City and it’s employees from any legal action in connection with the emergency Allows for cost recovery against any INDIVIUAL who may have caused the emergency
Emergency Response Plan
Aim of Plan: To make provision(s) for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may have to be taken to protect the health, safety and welfare of residents, business and visitors of the City of Owen Sound when faced with an emergency. (Pg. 7 OS ERP) An emergency does not have to be DECLARED prior to activating the plan or part thereof any actions under the plan can be initiated as deemed necessary by the MECG time may be of the essence, rapid intervention may mitigate the emergency before all the necessary information has been collected, processed and acted upon, ie; to prevent flash flooding, control gates were opened and water diverted
Emergency Response Plan
The Plan has been prepared to provide key officials, agencies and departments of the city of Owen Sound with important emergency response information related to: Arrangements, services and equipment, and Roles and responsibilities during an emergency Eastern Ontario ice storm 9-11 Head of Council / Mayor – Acting Mayor in consultation with members of the MECG When the extent of the emergency has the potential to exceed the City’s resources, staff and equipment
Emergency Response Plan
Activating the Plan; Only members of the Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG) with authority to activate the procedure as defined may initiate the notification procedure. MECG member makes contact with the OS Police Services on-duty Sergeant requesting them to initiate the notification of the MECG members. EOC member(s) receive a warning of a real or potential emergency, contacts the O/S Police Contact the Warden/CAO to request assistance from Grey County Assistance from the Province goes through Emergency Management Ontario (EMO) Members having authority (MECG), Mayor, City manager, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Director of Operations and the Grey Bruce Medical Officer of Health
MECG Command Group Mayor or Acting Mayor City Manager
Director of Operations Director of Community Services Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) Fire Chief Police Chief Emergency Information Officer;
Emergency Response Plan
ERP Response levels; Routine: incident within municipalities capabilities, usually short in duration. Monitoring: MECG monitors situation from their normal workplace or home. Enhanced: MECG meet to discuss the situation & potential to determine if EOC activation required. Full Activation: Activated through OSPS. Routine; the city has the capability and resources to manage the emergency Emergency is usually short in duration, ie; large snow accumulating storms, localized flooding, large structure fire Monitoring; the situation is continuously monitored by the Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG) group, ie; an impending storm, raising flood waters and wildland fire’s MECG includes the Mayor /Acting mayor, City manager, Director of Operations, Fire & Police Chief’s and the Emergency Information Officer Enhanced; Members of the MECG meet to discuss events, current actions and the potential for the incident to demand activation of the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Full Activation; The EOC & MECG are activated through the on-duty Owen Sound Police Services Sergeant EOC members gather at the designated EOC
Emergency Operations Centre
Full Activation Response level; The Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG) assembles at the designated location Primary location; Owen Sound Fire Station Secondary location; OS Police Services, Should the fire station be damaged beyond use or within the high hazard area the Police station will act as the secondary location. EOC group operates under the IMS strucure
Emergency Operations Centre
EOC is central command of the entire operation Decisions are based on information provided by support staff Direction is given based on that information Necessary resources are obtained & allocated Documentation of incident events
Emergency Operations Centre
Incident Management System; EOC direction & control structure is based upon the Incident Management System IMS is a standardized emergency response system which defines the basic Command structure Identifies the roles and responsibilities for effective emergency management Well established system utilized in the Fire service and military Information flows from the bottom up and direction flows from the top down, A continuous cycle of information, communication is key
Incident management System
Command Safety Liaison/CEMC EIO Operations Planning Logistics Finance / Administration
EOC Command Group Mayor Operations manger Safety Officer
(City Manager) Safety Officer Risk Management Liaison Officer Emergency Information Operations Police Fire EMS Health unit Utilities Engineering Planning Gathers critical info Documentation Assists in disseminating IAP Logistics Obtain & secure Supplies Personal Transportation Facilities IT Finance /Admin. Provide financial advice Monitor & approve spending Cont. payroll Record expenses for recovery Command; Mayor/Acting Mayor – City manager Safety officer
Emergency Response Plan
Who Can Declare An Emergency? The Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Acting Mayor of the City of Owen Sound, as head of Council, is responsible for declaring an emergency. This decision is usually made in consultation with other members of the MECG. you and your family should be your number 1 concern The city stills needs to operate outside of the emergency area
Declaring an emergency
Upon declaring an emergency, the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Acting Mayor will notify: Emergency Management Ontario City of Owen Sound Council Members CAO & Grey County Warden (as appropriate) Staff Public Neighboring Municipal Officials (as appropriate) Local Member of Parliament (MP) Local Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) See page of COS ERP
Acting Mayor By-Law No. 2014-194
When Mayor is not available or refuses or office is vacant Deputy Mayor next in line to assume role If Mayor and Deputy Mayor is not available or refuses or office is vacant then refer to appointment list 14.3% odds – Today’s Acting Mayor – would be – Councillor Richard Thomas
Responsibilities of Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Acting Mayor:
Activate the emergency notification system through the Owen Sound Police Dispatch Duty Sergeant Provide overall emergency policy and direction to the EOC Operation Manager (City Manager) Act as the primary spokesperson for the Municipality. Authorize the release of information on behalf of the City, or delegate that authority to the EOC Operations Manager and/or Emergency Information Officer Issue authoritative instructions, information and warnings to the general public by way of the media as authorized and requested by various agencies.
Responsibilities of Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Acting Mayor:
Declare an emergency within the designated area Ensure the Members of Council are advised of the declaration and termination of an emergency, and are kept informed of the emergency situation. Declare that the emergency has terminated (Note: Members of Council may also terminate the Emergency) Notify Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services of the declaration of the emergency and termination of the emergency.
Responsibilities of Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Acting Mayor:
Notify the Grey County Warden of the declaration of the emergency and termination of the emergency, or of the activation or partial activation of the EOC. Notify the public of the declaration and termination of an emergency. Request County government assistance, as required. Maintain a personal log of all actions taken (IMS 214)
Terminate An Emergency
Who Can? Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Acting Mayor City of Owen Sound Council Members Premier of Ontario
Terminate An Emergency
The Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Acting Mayor will notify: Emergency Management Ontario City of Owen Sound Council Members CAO & Grey County Warden (as appropriate) Staff Public Neighboring Municipal Officials (as appropriate) Local Member of Parliament (MP) Local Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP)
Hazard Index Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Critical Infrastructure (See appendix S)
PLAN Network Post Disaster Long Term Assistance Network
Lead by Victim Services Agencies included – Red Cross, 211, Salvation Army, Family Y, Grey and Bruce County Social Services, Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Habitat for Humanity Restore, United Way Bruce-Grey, Safe ‘N Sound
Continuity Planning
Grey County Emergency Plan Interaction
In the event of an emergency, it is important that the two levels of local government operate in a cohesive, planned manner. This Emergency Response Plan contemplates the sharing of resources in order to provide the citizens of the City of Owen Sound and Grey County with an effective, planned and cooperative approach to emergency management. It is recognized that, in the event of a large scale emergency involving several or all of the nine area municipalities, the ability of the Grey County to provide staff to all nine EOCs and the County EOC may become strained, in which case the local area municipality may receive assistance from those agencies by communications link, rather than a direct presence in the local EOC
Next Steps 2016 Bylaw 2016 Emergency Management program
Continuity Planning
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