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Introduce myself, labor consultant, and go around the room

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1 PY15-16 Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER for 7/1/15-6/30/16)
Introduce myself, labor consultant, and go around the room Randy Mabson Program Coordinator

2 Overview of CAPER City of Pasadena is a recipient of entitlement funds from U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) A required annual report to show funding utilization and the progress on meeting goals set in the Five- Year ( ) Consolidated Plan, approved by City Council on July 13, 2015. PY15-16 CAPER is the first reporting year for the City’s Five-Year ( ) Consolidated Plan

3 Total Entitlement Award
PY15-16 Funding Resources Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Entitlement $1,787,619 Entitlement $499,748 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Entitlement $160,034 Total Entitlement Award $2,447,401

4 Five-Year (2015-2019) Consolidated Plan Goals
Activity 5 Year Goals Annual Accomplishment (Year 1) Cumulative Accomplishment Years 1-5 Progress to Date Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation  100 Housing Units  12 12% complete Jobs Created/retained 10 Jobs  0 0% complete Rental Housing  317 Housing Units Services to the Homeless & Special Needs Populations 3,250 People 374 Public/Human Services 6,500 People  1,150 1,150 18% complete Public Facility/Infrastructure Improvements 175,000 Persons Benefit 39,194 15 22% complete Economic Development 5 Micro-Enterprises

5 Owner-Occupied Housing Rehab
5-Year Goal: 100 houses Year 1 Status: 12% complete NHS of LA County and MASH single family rehab programs MASH’s housing rehab program on hold pending resolution of lead issues with HUD. Program expected to restart in a few months.

6 Jobs Created/Retained
5-Year Goals: 10 jobs Year 1 Status: 0% complete Most of the City’s job creation and retention activities are not CDBG funded (e.g., Foothill Workforce Development Board’s programs serve over 30,000 clients annually) Did not receive any CDBG funding applications for this activity.

7 Rental Housing 5-Year Goal: 317 units Year 1 Status: 0% completed Most of the City’s affordable rental housing work is not HOME or CDBG funded. Currently146 non-HOME or CDBG funded affordable rental units are under construction

8 Rental Housing Declined Community Arms HOME grant would have accounted for 133 units. The Groves project will be completed in October and count for 44 units. Delayed inspections due to lack of certified staff therefore need to procure for a third party inspector.

9 Services to Homeless and Special Needs Populations
5-Year Goal: 3,250 people Year 1 Status: 12% complete Fewer than expected persons used the Bad Weather Shelter during the past El Nino year. Tight rental market is hampering our Rapid Re-Housing efforts. Most of the City’s homeless services are not ESG funded.

10 Public/Human Services
5-Year Goal: 6,500 people Year 1 Status: 18% complete CDBG funded social services. Progress is on target to meet the 5-year goal.

11 Public Facilities/Infrastructure Improvements
5-Year Goal: 175,000 persons benefited Year 1 Status: 22% complete Includes extensive sidewalk replacement and security lighting at Villa Parke by Public Works Dept. and improvements to nonprofit facilities. Progress on target to meet the 5-year goal.

12 Economic Development 5-Year Goal: 5 micro-enterprises
Year 1 Status: 0% complete Healthy Retail Program by Public Health Dept. is funded and lined up. Expected to meet this goal in the next two years. Most of the City’s economic development work is not CDBG funded.

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