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Registration Process for new message variants

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1 Registration Process for new message variants
Submitting Organisation (SO) Registration Authority (RA) Registration Management Group (RMG) (Lead) Standards Evaluation Group (SEG) or SubSEG SEG Evaluation Team (ET) * Submits business justification (BJ) Checks for completeness (max 5 days) * Reviews and comments on BJ (6 weeks) Reviews and comments on BJ (6 weeks) Reviews and comments on BJ Addresses all comments and submits new BJ (max 3 weeks) * Yes Collates comments and sends to SO Any comments? No Checks for completeness * Further clarification requests (2 weeks) * Reviews BJ (1 month) * Checks for completeness Addresses objection(s) reviews BJ Yes Any objection? * No * BJ Approved Develops candidate ISO message model Supports development Reviews message model Checks models No Yes Registers & produces MDR Part 2 and schemas * Notifies RMG, publishes ISO message documentation * Indicates that the status of the submission will be updated by the RA in the ‘Log History’ spreadsheet of the related entry in the ‘Status of Submission’ table.

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