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Evaluation of Content Error Pres. 10

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1 Evaluation of Content Error Pres. 10

2 Examples - Tabulations for Content Error Estimates
Sex as reported in the census and as reported in the PES for matched persons Age as reported in the census and as reported in the PES for matched persons Family relationship as reported in PES for matched persons NOTE: PES should check content errors only for those items that support PES procedures 2

3 Evaluation of Content Error
Net difference rate (NDR) The NDR is the difference between the number of cases in the census and number of cases in the PES that fall under a category (e.g. age-group) relative to the total number of matched persons in all response categories 3

4 Evaluation of Content Error (contd.)
Index of inconsistency It is a relative number of cases for which the response varied between the census and PES. In a n x n table, numbers in diagonal cells show consistency (agreement). Off diagonal numbers represent inconsistency. This is calculated for each response from a category 4

5 Other indicators of content errors
Aggregate index of inconsistency : Gross difference rate (also proportion of difference to the diagonal): nunmber of discrepancies between response at the census and at the PES relative to the number of matched persons. 5 5

6 Other indicators of content errors
Rate of agreement: > Complement of gross difference rate. A low rate of agreement means a high degree of variability and vice versa 6 6

7 How to interpret content error measures
Index Low Moderate High Absolute value of NDR < 0.01 >0.05 Index of Inconsistency <20 20-50 >50 Aggregate Index of Inconsistency 7

8 Table for content error evaluation
Age in PES Age in census 0-4 5-9 …… 55-59 60+ …. 8

9 Thank You!

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