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8.26 Multiple Associate Degrees

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1 8.26 Multiple Associate Degrees
AGC January 16, 2018

2 Team Members Lakisha Beck, Valerie Butterfield, Kevin Dobreff, Ann Isackson, Sheila Jones, Renae Boss Potts

3 Presentation Outline Existing Policy Statement Benchmarking & Context
Concerns Recommended Updates to Policy Statement Questions & Table Discussion

4 Existing Policy Statement
The College recognizes that there are instances where students may require additional degrees for employment or for personal growth and satisfaction. This policy applies to any Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) student who has received a degree from GRCC or any other accredited institution of higher education in a similar program. Students may be awarded a second associate degree subject to the following stipulations: Students may earn only one transfer degree (Associate of Arts and only one Associate of Science). The Associate of General Studies degree may not be earned as an additional degree. Subsequent associate degree(s) must each include a minimum of an additional 15 unique semester credit hours earned at GRCC. Degree and program requirements for the additional degree will be based on the catalog that is in effect when the student officially elects the new degree and/or program. No additional degree will be granted in the same program or curriculum in which the first degree was earned.

5 Benchmarking & Context
CC Peer Minimum No. of Additional Credits Notes HFC 20 Part of HFC’s General Requirements for Degree Types KCC KCC Degree and Certificate Requirements KVCC 15 Part of KVCC’s Graduation Requirements LCC 10 LCC Granting of Additional Associate Degrees policy LMC Credential Completion and Graduation section of LMC’s College Catalog

6 Benchmarking & Context
CC Peer No. of Additional Credits Notes MCC 15 MCC Awarding of Associate Degrees and Academic Certificates policy: “A second Associate Degree may be awarded if, in addition to the general requirements for an Associate Degree, (1) all General Education group and program requirements for the second degree are met, and (2) the student has earned a minimum of 77 credit hours.” WCC Part of WCC’s Graduation Requirements Schoolcraft Schoolcraft still follows the procedure outlined in their Catalog

7 Benchmarking & Context
GRCC Associate Degrees (GRCC Curriculum Policy): Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.), Associate of Applied Arts & Sciences (A.A.A.S.), Associate of Business (A.B.), Associate of Nursing (A.N.), Associate of Fine Arts (A.F.A.), Associate of Music (A.M.), and Associate of General Studies (A.G.S.) HLC Core Component 2.A. of Criterion 2. Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct

8 Concerns Existing Practices & Procedures
We do not review degrees earned at other institutions We allow students to earn multiple certificates in the same program but do not state this in current policy Section D. of the Policy Statement is not currently being enforced

9 Concerns Academic Pathways: Phase Out of Associate of Arts (007) & Associate of Science (011) program codes to be replaced by Pathway Degree Concentration, A.A. (P01-P10) program codes Terminology/Definitions: Definition of “transfer degree” Definition of “unique semester hours” Associate’s degree now consists of at least 60 credit hours

10 Recommended Updates to Policy Statement
Existing Language The College recognizes that there are instances where students may require additional degrees for employment or for personal growth and satisfaction. This policy applies to any Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) student who has received a degree from GRCC or any other accredited institution of higher education in a similar program. Students may be awarded a second associate degree subject to the following stipulations: Recommended Updates The College recognizes that there are instances where students may require additional degrees for employment or for personal growth and satisfaction. This policy applies to any Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) student who has received a degree from GRCC. Students may be awarded a second associate degree subject to the following stipulations:

11 Recommended Updates to Policy Statement
Existing Language Students may earn only one transfer degree (Associate of Arts and only one Associate of Science). The Associate of General Studies degree may not be earned as an additional degree. Subsequent associate degree(s) must each include a minimum of an additional 15 unique semester credit hours earned at GRCC. Recommended Updates Subsequent associate degree(s) must each include a minimum of an additional 15 credit hours that are different from the credits used to complete their first associate degree earned at GRCC. The Associate of General Studies degree may not be earned as an additional degree.

12 Recommended Updates to Policy Statement
Existing Language Degree and program requirements for the additional degree will be based on the catalog that is in effect when the student officially elects the new degree and/or program. No additional degree will be granted in the same program or curriculum in which the first degree was earned. Recommended Updates No additional associate degree will be granted in the same curriculum in which the first degree was earned. Students may earn more than one certificate.

13 Questions & Table Discussion
Do you have any concerns with this policy overall? Please explain your answer. Do you have any concerns with the recommended updates to the policy statement? Please explain your answer. Is there anything else that this team should consider given the Academic Pathways Initiative (API)? Please explain your answer.

14 Request for Feedback Please send all questions and/or comments to Sheila Jones by January 26th x4289

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