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“Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.”

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Presentation on theme: "“Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.”

2 Virtue Ethics, Feminism and Sex
Learning Objectives:- To apply key aspects of virtue ethics to matters of sex To understand more modern virtue ethics and how this thinks to feminist views about sex

3 Virtue Ethics - Reminder
Key Ideas??? Aims??? Who???

4 Virtue Ethics and Sex There are many different approaches to virtue ethics It is important to say that views on what is virtuous are varied Traditional, Aristotilean virtue ethics is based on acting according to certain virtuous ideals to achieve eudaimonia Modern virtue ethics has shifted its emphasis to a more virtuous and caring emphasis

5 Notes Reducer 1 – Underline or highlight the key passages (2 minutes)
2 – Note down/summarise the key parts of the identified passages (4 minutes) 3 – Write down seven words to summarise the key areas noted down (2 minutes) 4 – Describe an approach to sexual ethics from both a virtue ethics and feminist viewpoint in one paragraph using only your key words for guidance (4 minutes)

6 Quotes and Scholars Aristotle Michael Slote Rosalind Hursthouse
Carol Gilligan Raymond Belliotti Jill Johnston Carol MacKinnon ‘You cannot get to know each other until you have eaten a medimnos of salt together.’

7 Virtue Ethics - Discussion
Virtue ethics takes the passion out of sex (AC Grayling) Feminism is the way forward on sex If you care and are compassionate, surely you can’t go far wrong

8 Starter - MWBs Given what we have encountered, give a statement to try and summarise your view on the following topics… Homosexuality Adultery Pornography and Masturbation Polygamy Contraception

9 Sample Past Paper Questions
‘The problem with Virtue Ethics is that it gives no definite answers to moral problems.’ Discuss. ‘Virtue ethics is not the best approach to ethical decision making.’ Discuss ‘Modern virtue ethics is very different from those taught by Aristotle.’ Discuss Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Virtue Ethics. ‘The weaknesses of Virtue Ethics outweigh its strengths’

10 Summary For each of the following, write the question down and then spend three minutes bullet pointing/jotting down some of your thoughts on answering it.

11 1 ‘Sex and relationships are matters of personal choice.’ Discuss.

12 2 ‘Virtue ethics is a good approach to the issues surrounding sex and relationships.’ Discuss

13 3 ‘No ethical theory offers a satisfactory approach to issues of sex and relationships.’ Discuss

14 4 Critically assess the view that Natural Law is of no use when discussing sexual ethics.

15 5 To what extent are ethical theories helpful when making decisions surrounding homosexuality?

16 Summary Pick one to plan in more detail. You can work in pairs if you would like to. Use textbooks and notes Q – Should you want to do an essay and get feedback, let me know

17 Summary Lesson Thurs give bullet points – plan and write a opening paragraph and conclusion to two of these. Sentence – jot words to intro combos or words, homosexuality, ancient views marriage, kant contracpetion etc. next lesson ask, do they want an essay? Or to move on? Sexual Ethics ‘Sex and relationships are matters of personal choice.’ Discuss. ‘Virtue ethics is a good approach to the issues surrounding sex and relationships.’ Discuss ‘No ethical theory offers a satisfactory approach to issues of sex and relationships.’ Discuss ‘Some ethical theories are of more help than others when making decisions about sexual issues.’ Discuss. Critically assess the view that Natural Law is of no use when discussing sexual ethics. To what extent are ethical theories helpful when making decisions surrounding homosexuality?

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