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Marie And diabetes.

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1 Marie And diabetes

2 High blood pressure (hypertension)
Life style changes are important. Make an effort to lower blood pressure. One way to lower blood pressure is to lose weight.

3 Risk Factors Risk factors for diabetes depend on the type of diabetes.
Risk factors for type 1 diabetes Although the exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown, factors that may signal an increased risk include: Family history. Your risk increases if a parent or sibling has type 1 diabetes. Environmental factors. Circumstances such as exposure to a viral illness likely play some role in type 1 diabetes. The presence of damaging immune system cells (autoantibodies). Sometimes family members of people with type 1 diabetes are tested for the presence of diabetes.

4 Risk factors for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
Weight. Family history. Race Age Gestational diabetes. Polycystic ovary syndrome High blood pressure. Abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels

5          Related images: Eat Healthy and Keep a Chart

6 With diabetes, kidney care is crucial

7 Keep a food diary. Writing down what you eat, even for just a week, can shed surprising light on your true eating habits. Monitor what you eat, how much, when and why. Consider boosting potassium. Potassium can lessen the effects of sodium on blood pressure. The best source of potassium is food, such as fruits and vegetables, rather than supplements. Talk to your doctor about the potassium level that's best for you. Be a smart shopper. Make a shopping list before heading to the supermarket to avoid picking up junk food. Read food labels when you shop and stick to your healthy-eating plan when you're dining out, too. Cut yourself some slack. Although the DASH diet is a lifelong eating guide, it doesn't mean you have to cut out all of the foods you love. It's OK to treat yourself.

8 5 ounces of wine (148 Track your drinking patterns
5 ounces of wine (148 Track your drinking patterns. Along with your food diary, keep an alcohol diary to track your true drinking patterns. One drink equals 12 ounces (355 milliliters, or mL) of beer, 5 ounces of wine (148 mL) or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor Track your drinking patterns. Along with your food diary, keep an alcohol diary to track your true drinking patterns. One drink equals 12 ounces (355 milliliters, or mL) of beer or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor (45 mL). If you're drinking more than the suggested amounts, cut back. Consider tapering off. If you're a heavy drinker, suddenly eliminating all alcohol can actually trigger severe high blood pressure for several days. So when you stop drinking, do it with the supervision of your doctor or taper off slowly, over one to two weeks. Don't binge. Binge drinking — having four or more drinks in a row — can cause large and sudden increases in blood pressure, in addition to other health problems.

9 Monitor your blood sugar regularly — work with Doctors, your diabetes care team to keep your blood sugars within your blood glucose goal range. Get regular screening for kidney disease — kidney damage can be slowed down if detected early. Increase physical activity — daily physical activity and exercise helps to control blood pressure and helps to lower your blood sugar. Quit smoking — smoking reduces blood flow to the kidneys therefore kidneys cannot function at their best. Smokers are more likely to develop kidney disease. Smoking not only tends to raise blood sugar, it also makes it harder for your body to use insulin. I can go on about the negative effects of smoking but will save that for another blog! Use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen with caution. Regular use can trigger kidney damage. Seek the advice of your healthcare provider as regular use of these medications should be monitored.

10 Marie Ware-Cox This journey started in A journey that changed my whole life for the better. I have experience every side effect you can possibly name. But you know what its all good. When you think of how my numbers started at about 600 , which is stroke level. I had doctors and nurses asking me how I felt because I should be lying in a comma some where. I am a prime example of when God be for you, you can make lemonade out of a pile of lemons. Through out the years I have been a Guinea Pig trying all type of meds some were helpful, but some were not. One of the best things that came out of this whole situation is I learned a whole different life style. I eat better I monitor my intake of liquids I drink only on occasion. The only thing I haven’t incorporated is exercising more. It is a blessing to feel your very best and look your best. Can you believe I weighted about 245 pounds to day I am under 180 pounds . I am still going through but I believe all things are possible. And these are the reasons I strive to do better.

11 These are the reasons I manage my Illness !
Makayla Derek Christian Robert, Michael, Tyrone, Brandon, Zavior, Derek Tyrone Makayla, Everett lll Kwanisha Mariah

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