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Standards Development Process

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1 Standards Development Process
March 5, 2019 Steve Rueckert Director of Standards

2 Regional Reliability Standard
Mandatory Compliance by Applicable Entities Potential Monetary Sanctions Regional Reliability Standard or Regional Variance to a NERC Reliability Standard More stringent than the continent-wide Reliability Standard Necessitated by a physical difference in the Bulk Power System

3 Regional Criteria Adherence to Requirements is expected by WECC Members No monetary penalties Necessary to implement, augment, or comply with Reliability Standards May address issues not within the scope of Reliability Standards

4 Periodic Reviews The WECC Regional Reliability Standards Development Procedures require that each Regional Reliability Standard, Regional Variance, and Regional Criterion be reviewed at least once every five years. May identify needed revisions May address formatting issues May identify that no changes are needed May be initiated before the five-year deadline

5 Development Timeline

6 Standard Authorization Request
Initiates development of all projects Any interested party may submit a SAR Reviewed and validated by WECC staff Posted on the WECC website

7 Present the SAR to the WSC
To be accepted by the WSC the SAR must: Contain a description of the requested action Define purpose, scope, impacted parties, and any other relevant information Must be within WECC’s scope WSC may expand or narrow the scope at any time

8 Convene the Drafting Team
WSC prioritizes work and sets the starting date WSC either directly assigns or solicits DT members WSC approves DT members May augment, modify, or replace DT members as needed DT chairs should have leadership and coordination skills DT members are Subject Matter Experts

9 Draft the Document All DT meetings are open to the public and publicly noticed SAR author may participate DT determines when the document should be posted for comment

10 Post for Comment All postings publicly announced
Any interested person may submit comments DT must consider and respond to all comments Responses are publicly posted If the DT makes substantive changes because of comments, the document must be reposted for another round of comments

11 Request for Ballot When the DT determines no more substantive changes are necessary, the proposed draft is submitted to the WSC with a request for ballot The WSC must approve all postings for ballot A Standards Briefing is held for every project

12 Ballot the Document Form a Ballot Pool Ballot the Document
Must be a member of the Ballot Body to join a Ballot Pool Ballot the Document Weighted Segment Approval required 2/3 percentage weighted affirmative votes required for approval No two industry sectors may control any decision No single segment may veto any decision

13 Weighted Segment Example

14 Obtain Board Approval WSC must approve forwarding the document to the WECC Board for approval Noticed per current WECC Board meeting notification requirements Included in the Board Packet Presented for approval at the Board meeting

15 Obtain NERC and FERC Approval
Upon WECC Board approval, WECC Regional Reliability Standards and supporting documents are given to NERC for Board of Trustees adoption WECC Regional Criterion are final upon WECC Board approval If adopted by NERC Board of Trustees, NERC prepares a Joint NERC/WECC petition for FERC approval

16 SAR Validation and Submittal to the WSC
Development Timeline SAR Submittal SAR Validation and Submittal to the WSC

17 Steve Rueckert Director of Standards

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