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Nancy Y. McGovern Digital Preservation Officer, ICPSR IASSIST 2007

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1 Nancy Y. McGovern Digital Preservation Officer, ICPSR IASSIST 2007
Canary in a Coal Mine: A Digital Preservation Response to Technological Change Nancy Y. McGovern Digital Preservation Officer, ICPSR IASSIST 2007

2 Outline Technology response requirements
Common response: Technology Watch Scope of interest for DP Priorities for digital preservation Timing response to technology

3 Technology Response Requirements
The call for responding to technology e.g., Preserving Digital Information, 1996 The specification of technology response requirements Most explicit: Monitor Technology, OAIS

4 OAIS: Monitor Technology
Objective: track emerging technologies, information standards, computing platforms Purpose: avoid obsolescence that could prevent access Scope: may include prototyping Activities: provides reports, external data standards, prototype results, alerts “The Monitor Technology function is responsible for tracking emerging digital technologies, information standards and computing platforms (i.e., hardware and software) to identify technologies which could cause obsolescence in the archive’s computing environment and prevent access to some of the archives current holdings. This function may contain a prototyping capability for better evaluation of emerging technologies and receive prototype requests from Develop Preservation Strategies and Standards and from Develop Package Designs and Migration Plans. This function sends reports, external data standards, prototype results and technology alerts to Develop Preservation Strategies and Standards. It also sends prototype results to Develop Package Designs and Migration Plans.” OAIS, Blue Book, Issue 1 p – 4-14

5 2. Common Response: Technology Watch
Examples DPC, DCC, DigiCult, LITA, PRONOM Characteristics Range in services reflects absence of definition Providers tend to select topics not community Typically lack access to accumulated data Availability of levels of service is rare

6 Community Formalization
Digital Preservation for Museums: Recommendations - CHIN, 2004 Service requirements LIFE Project - UCL/BL, 2006 Cost of technology watch for organizations Strategic Priorities, – SAA Call for leadership and training

7 3. Scope of interest for DP: Macro taxonomy
Object: file formats, media metadata Collection: relationships, metadata Repository: software, tools, modules Platform: protocols, security, software, hardware Organization: policies, procedures, protocols Standards: IT, Internet, archival, description External Dependencies: legislation, governance Competencies: knowledge, skills, experience

8 3. Scope of interest for DP: Micro taxonomy
35 technology types enable OAIS Examples Communication: the ability to convey a message or a specific piece of information Logs computer: files, often using a standard format, that document activities performed Policy enforcement: the ability to perform a function or activity using rules to allow or prohibit activities

9 4. Priorities for digital preservation
Contact: requires direct contact with digital content Interaction: must respond to, not just be made aware of, changes in digital content Exploitation: potential to contribute to digital preservation strategies by exploiting opportunities Risk management: participates in the avoidance of risks to integrity, longevity, or authenticity Automation: potential to perform more effectively for digital preservation if automated

10 Sample Priority Scores

11 5. Timing response to technology
Identify potential new technology Monitor new technology Assess new technology Respond to new technology Act to avoid obsolescence of existing technologies


13 Technology Responsiveness
Community objectives accumulate current and historical information develop competencies and tools incorporate organisational developments build a network of contributors and users ensure sustainability

14 “…the best way to forecast the future is to create it.”
Michael J. Gelb “The most reliable way to forecast the future is to try to understand the present.” John Naisbitt

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