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Item 11. Overview of EG activities

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1 Item 11. Overview of EG activities 2010-2012

2 4 general objectives in the mandate:
To have an overview on the implementation of the WFD in the agricultural sector To identify obstacles related to agricultural issues in the context of the WFD To address the identified obstacles by developing solutions To prepare the future by providing an input to the post 2013 CAP reform

3 Priorities identified:
agricultural measures in RBMP water pricing in agriculture update of the catalogue of measures cost-effectiveness of the measures acceptance of the measures water saving options for agriculture combination between WFD & CAP next CAP reform water saving policy options & water saving culture climate change & agriculture Farm Advisory System & water Marine Strategy Framework Directive & agriculture

4 CIS meetings and other events on water and agriculture
EG and RBN meetings in Seville in April 2010 EG and RBN meetings in Louvain-la-Neuve in September 2010 EG meeting in Brussels in April 2011 EG meeting in Warsaw in September 2011 RBN meeting in Saragossa in January 2012 EG meeting in Brussels in April 2012 EG and RBN meetings in Edinburgh in October 2012 Conference on water pricing & allocation in agriculture in Warsaw in Sep 2011 Conference on Application of EU Water-related Policies at Farm Level in Louvain-la-Neuve in September 2010 EG workshop on how to make WFD measures clear at farm level in April 2011 All presentations, minutes and links can be found on CIRCA

5 Key delivarables of the EG and the RBN
Report on RBN previous phase ( ) Direct contribution to the assessment of the agricultural measures in the draft river basin management plans (April 2010) EG handbook of ideas for administrations on how to integrate water issues in farm advisory services (April 2010) (translated in all EU languages) First EG keynote on post 2013 CAP and water protection in Europe (June 2010) Based on the first EG keynote, statement by the Water Directors (June 2010) After a dedicated conference, document on the application of EU Water-related Policies at Farm Level (September 2010) Second EG keynote on post 2013 CAP and water protection in Europe (October 2010) EG guidance for administrations on making WFD agricultural measures clear and transparent at farm level (May 2011) (translated in all EU languages) Direct contribution to the study on water pricing and water allocation policies in agriculture through a dedicated conference (September 2011) Preparation of a list of WFD provisions relevant for inclusion in cross compliance

6 Participants of the EG group are invited to discuss the following points:
Has the mandate of the EG been successfully completed, or are there issues which should have been looked into more? Do you think that the group has achieved its goals and given added value to the better implementation of the WFD? Have you integrated and used the outcomes of the EG in your work in your Member State? How? If water directors decide to continue the mandate of this or some similar expert group, what issues should be raised to its mandate?

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