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Scott Anderson Training and Quality Manager Welcome to Scottish Bakers.

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Presentation on theme: "Scott Anderson Training and Quality Manager Welcome to Scottish Bakers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scott Anderson Training and Quality Manager Welcome to Scottish Bakers

2 Supporting Bakers in Scotland for 122 Years Scottish Based Membership Organisation for Plant, Retail & Wholesale Bakers Provider of Bakery & Food Manufacturing Qualifications across the UK Promoting & Supporting the Bakery Sector in Scotland SCOTTISH BAKERS

3 Strategy Raise the Profile of Bakers Influence Policy Develop People Enhance Professionalism Be a Must Join, Must Consult, Respected Trade Association that is Recognised as the Voice of the Bakery Sector! SCOTTISH BAKERS STRATEGY & COLLABORATION

4 SCOTTISH BAKERS in COLLABORATION Scottish Bakers Irish Association of Master Bakers National Bakery Training National Association of Master Bakers

5 AWARDING BODY COLLABORATION Scottish Bakers Irish Association of Master Bakers National Bakery Training WE JOINTLY AWARD BAKERY QUALIFICATIONS WITH THE SQA


7 5 special awards 15 regional winners 7 National Gold winners 1 winner 2 runner ups 45 winners selected SCOTTISH BAKERS STRATEGY & COLLABORATION - PROFILE



10 THE SCOTCH PIE CLUB AWARDS Andrew Chisholm, JB Christie The World Scotch Pie Champion 2013

11 Scottish Government Food & Drink a Priority Sector Recipe for Success – Scotland National Food & Drink Policy Ministerial Support for Scottish Bakers and Scottish Bakers Members Scotland Development International Supporting Learning Journeys Assisting Scottish Bakeries to Export SCOTTISH BAKERS STRATEGY & COLLABORATION Skills Development Scotland Developing the Skills Investment Plan Supporting Modern Apprenticeships in the Bakery Sector Glasgow Bakery Recruitment Programme Pilot Programme Career Events Scottish Food & Drink Federation The Apprenticeship Pledge SFDF Schools Programme Cross Party Group on Food


13 Priorities to support skills development in the food and drink sector? Raising the attractiveness of the sector to new entrants and retaining talent; Supporting company capacity to innovate; Driving leadership and management excellence in sector; Supporting the development of skills for growth in the workplace, and Engaging with business on skills for growth SCOTTISH BAKERS STRATEGY & COLLABORATION




17 Providing Bakery & Food Production Qualifications in Your BakeryAccredited to UK National Standards Access to Government Funding Therefore no Cash Costs to Your Business Craft Bakery Apprenticeships Retail Bakery Apprenticeships Food Production Apprenticeships SCOTTISH BAKERS STRATEGY & COLLABORATION

18 Head Office Training Team Scotland & Northern Ireland Alan Clarke Chief Executive Susan Whyte Financial Controller Scott Anderson Training & Quality Manager Anna Drogon Marketing Officer Kim Beatson Administrator Emir Blaiej Administrator Erin Bannerman Administrator Anne Yorkston Senior Trainer Steve Fleming S enior Trainer Jim McCormack Senior Trainer Eleanor Rae Training Adviser Emmanuel McCann Training Adviser Karen Taylor Training Manager Phil Tune Training Adviser Henry Jeffries Training Adviser Graham Turner Training Adviser Jim Taylor Training Adviser Jennifer Yuille Administrator Joe Connor Training Adviser Karon Lucke Training Adviser Gary Steele Training Adviser Carol Hak Training Adviser STRUCTURE OF SCOTTISH BAKERS

19 We provide:- A Training Team of 16 Bakery Qualified Trainers providing Bakery Qualifications across the UK High Quality Work Based Learning which is done on the job benefiting both the learner and the company. Real passion for the bakery industry and its growth and development 20 years experience of delivering bakery training and qualifications Trainers with bakery skills in Craft, production lines, manufacturing, retail, distribution and supervisory/management Extensive knowledge of the Industry SCOTTISH BAKERS

20 UK Quality Assurance:- Quality Assured by City & Guilds for delivery in England and Northern Ireland Ofsted Inspected through delivery in England ETI Inspected through delivery in Northern Ireland Quality Assurance Pilot for SQAs new approach to Quality Assurance This year SQA External Verification visits completed on Systems and Delivery Good Practices recognised in maintaining Quality of Delivery and Policies & Procedures SCOTTISH BAKERS

21 The Future Development of Online Learning Resource and Management System to be Launched Autumn 2013 Strengthen our Training Offer across the U.K. Continue to work on behalf of the Bakery Industry through Government and Sector Skills Council collaboration Continue to Raise the Profile of the Industry through Events and Publications SCOTTISH BAKERS

22 Scott Anderson Training and Quality Manager Questions ? E: M: 07972 039 026

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