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KLP VIP Sticking to it.

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Presentation on theme: "KLP VIP Sticking to it."— Presentation transcript:

1 KLP VIP Sticking to it

2 The important stuff Leveraging Momentum
Having a plan – time and place / if… then… Inner Motivation vs. Rewards Getting better – define better

3 momentum streaking & killers

4 The Breakdown... The Power Of A Streak (positive pressure)
Activating Momentum With A Challenge (streak) 10 Momentum Killers

5 The Power Of A Streak

6 Positive Pressure

7 Better/Stronger Under Pressure
10 Momentum Killers To Avoid... Better/Stronger Under Pressure 1) Procrastination

8 Better/Stronger Under Pressure
10 Momentum Killers To Avoid... Better/Stronger Under Pressure 2) Fear

9 Better/Stronger Under Pressure
10 Momentum Killers To Avoid... Better/Stronger Under Pressure 3) Success

10 Better/Stronger Under Pressure
10 Momentum Killers To Avoid... Better/Stronger Under Pressure 4) Routine

11 Better/Stronger Under Pressure
10 Momentum Killers To Avoid... Better/Stronger Under Pressure 5) Bad Habits

12 Better/Stronger Under Pressure
10 Momentum Killers To Avoid... Better/Stronger Under Pressure 6) Distractions

13 Better/Stronger Under Pressure
10 Momentum Killers To Avoid... Better/Stronger Under Pressure 7) Negative Self-Talk

14 Better/Stronger Under Pressure
10 Momentum Killers To Avoid... Better/Stronger Under Pressure 8) Lack Of Motivation

15 Better/Stronger Under Pressure
10 Momentum Killers To Avoid... Better/Stronger Under Pressure 9) Failure

16 Better/Stronger Under Pressure
10 Momentum Killers To Avoid... Better/Stronger Under Pressure 10) Apathy

17 Activate Momentum With A Challenge

18 Remember this… “The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them, you immediately begin to create momentum.” ~ Tony Robbins Use Mel Robbins 5 second rule

19 The plan 35% vs 91%

20 Control group Assignment:
They were asked to keep track of how frequently they exercised over the next two weeks. Before they left, each person was asked to read the opening three paragraphs of an unrelated novel.

21 motivation group Assignment:
They were also asked to keep track of how frequently they exercised over the next two weeks. Then, each person was asked to read a pamphlet on the benefits of exercise for reducing the risk of heart disease. Participants in Group 2 were also told, “Most young adults who have stuck to a regular exercise program have found it to be very effective in reducing their chances of developing coronary heart disease.”

22 Planning group Assignment:
After being told to track their exercise, they also read the motivational pamphlet and got the same speech as Group 2. Unlike Group 2, however, they were also asked to formulate a plan for when and where they would exercise over the following week. Specifically, each person in Group 3 was asked to explicitly state their intention to exercise by completing the following statement… During the next week, I will partake in at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise on [DAY] at [TIME OF DAY] at/in [PLACE].

23 38% exercised at least once/week Motivation group
So it turns out: Control group 38% exercised at least once/week Motivation group 35% exercised at least once/week Planning group 91% exercised at least once/week Motivation has little no effect on what you actually do. Turning desire into real world action is all about having a plan…knowing where you’re going and when.

24 If/then rules… If I eat fast food for lunch, then I’ll stop by the store and buy some vegetables for dinner. If I haven’t called my mom back by 7pm, then I won’t turn on the TV until I do. If my meeting runs over and I don’t have time to workout this afternoon, then I’ll wake up early tomorrow and run.

25 rewards carrots vs sticks

26 The Bet: Rewards are always extrinsic…which means once you are doing something simply for the reward, your desire to do it will go down. You need to be doing something for the love of doing it or the love of yourself. Remember I asked you to bet $100 on your first month goals. Has that motivated you? We’re gonna discuss this but I’m guessing NOT!

27 Get better Forget about great

28 Focus on things…one thing at a time. (habits)
How To: Focus on things…one thing at a time. (habits) Know why you want to get better Define better Forget about about being great...just focus on being better Use the Habit system Be a scientist! Make a hypothesis. Test it. Track it. Remember you will NEVER feel like it!!!!! Be mindful. Accept failure as part of the testing process

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