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Mrs. Jensen’s News February 18 – February 22, 2019 We are learning!

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Jensen’s News February 18 – February 22, 2019 We are learning!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Jensen’s News February 18 – February 22, 2019 We are learning!
We had a mystery reader every day of this week. We loved having a variety of stories read to us! Check out our school Facebook to see pictures of all the fun we had reading. Lots of excitement!!! We focused on the letters Oo & Yy . We also practiced these sight words: they, you, of, here, where, one, two & three. In math, we identified and made sets that were 1 more or 1 less and we compared sets of objects to determine which was more or less. Next Friday, we will celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Please dress in red and white. Our class will spend the week reading Dr. Seuss stories! Your child can bring a Dr. Seuss book from home for us to read during the week. Please be sure the book has their name on it. On Friday, Mrs. Erickson read us a story and did a project with us. Ask your child about the shrinky dink they made and brought home. In science, Mystery Doug taught us about cats. Ask your child why cats purr and have them describe what a cats tongue looks like and explain why. You might learn something new! *** We filled our jar with warm fuzzies! Our GREATNESS certainly shines each and every day. To celebrate, the class voted on a party they’d like to have. We tied with a costume and pajama party! Our GREATNESS party will take place on Thursday (2-28)! Your child can come in their pajamas. In the afternoon, those that want to put on costumes over their pajamas (bring the costumes to change into) or make a costume are welcome to. This will certainly be an interesting party! Important Dates February 27th – Early Out Homework The readers coming home in baggies need to be returned within two days of being sent home. Comments are welcomed. Practice all the sight words we’ve covered. Watch for a list to come home! Practice counting objects and recognizing numbers to 30 and also counting backwards from 20. Work on building patterns – repeating, growing or shrinking (i.e. AB, ABB, ABC) Mrs. Jensen

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