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The Strategic Impact of Effective Scheduling

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Presentation on theme: "The Strategic Impact of Effective Scheduling"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Strategic Impact of Effective Scheduling
Evidence-based Decision-making and Planning

2 Scheduling for Student Success
Noel-Levitz Survey on Student Satisfaction Notes: generally low student satisfaction in Executive Summary and Biggest Challenges at their Institution: 4-Year Public - #1 issue is “Ability to get the courses I need with few conflicts” 4-Year Private - #1 issue is “Ability to get the courses I need with few conflicts” 2-Year Community College/Technical - #1 issue - “Classes are offered at times I’m available.” #2 issue - “Ability to get courses I need with few conflicts”

3 Scheduling for Student Success
Blose (1999, New Directions for Higher Education journal) "Because the biggest differences between institutions in terms of persistence and graduation rates is the amount of time it takes to earn a degree, low graduation rates may be partly a function of institutional conditions that impede academic progress, including course availability, scheduling, and problems with advising."

4 What Analytics Measure (Davenport and Harris, 2007)
Optimization What’s the best that can happen? Predictive Modeling What will happen next? Forecasting What will happen next if these trends continue? Statistical Analysis Why is this happening? Alerts What actions are needed? Query/Drill Down Where exactly is the problem? Ad hoc Reports How many, how often, where? Standard Reports What happened? Shaded area is true analytics, other is statistical analysis.

5 The Primary Issue – Supply / Demand Imbalance
(See Animated Demonstration)

6 Ownership of Student Success
Institution Course Seats Focus Course Load Registration Order Instruction Planning Offering Time Advising Persistence

7 Enrollment Management

8 The Rear-View Mirror and the Windshield
Assessing the effectiveness of past schedules Historical trending demand Historical last like term demand Forecasting the needs of future term students (progressing students’ demand) Program analysis (student need via degree progression decision tree) Student academic planner (student intent and desires via direct “survey”)

9 Platinum Analytics Suite

10 Key Solutions Retention Graduation Student Success Forecast Capacity
Efficiency Advising/ Planning

11 Key Solutions Classrooms Faculty Parking Student Success
Forecast Capacity Efficiency Advising/ Planning

12 Key Solutions Space Course Seats Student Success Forecast Capacity
Efficiency Advising/ Planning

13 Key Solutions Completion Roadmap Student Intent Student Success
Forecast Capacity Completion Roadmap Student Intent Efficiency Advising/ Planning

14 Version VII Academic Planner / Platinum Analytics Brief Demo



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