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STAR: recent results and future physics program
Olga Barannikova for the STAR Collaboration
Not in this talk: Overview of strangeness production from STAR
STAR Preliminary Strangeness production in light vs. heavy systems Collision geometry effects on strangeness production at RHIC … See talk by Anthony Timmins this afternoon… Strangeness production in light and heavy systems continues to challenge our understanding of QCD in heavy-ion collisions… Collision geometry key factor in mid-rapidity strangeness production at RHIC EPOS vs. AMPT Predictions for multi-strange particles follow similar trends.. STAR Preliminary 2 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
Not in this talk: Recent heavy flavor results from STAR
J/ spectra in 200 GeV pp and Cu+Cu RAA measurements Azimuthal correlations for HF J/ -hadron, e-D0, … capabilities in pp and Au+Au … See talk by Zhangbu Xu on Tuesday • J/y spectra in 200 GeV p+p collisions at STAR 1. Extend the pT range up to ~14 GeV/c 2. Spectra can be described by CEM and CSM. 3. High pT J/y follows xT scaling with n=5.6 4. Spectra at high pT can be used to constrain B production • J/y-hadron azimuthal correlation in p+p 1. no significant near side correlation Expect strong near-side correlation from BJ/y+X 26 Can be used to constrain J/y production mechanism 2. Away-side spectra consistent with h-h correlation indicates gluon or light quark fragmentation J/ -hadron azimuthal correlation in pp • non-photonic (rejection - 70%) e-D0 azimuthal correlations in p+p collisions- (Bottom contribution to non-photonic electrons is significant at pT> 5 GeV/c (~50%)) relative bottom contribution • J/y RAA from 200 GeV Cu+Cu collisions at STAR 1. Extend RAA from pT = 5 GeV/c to 10 GeV/c 2. Indication of RAA increasing at high pT STAR Preliminary: The Cu+Cu data consistent with no suppression at high pT: RAA(pT > 5 GeV/c) = 0.9 ± 0.2 - Low-pT RAA ~ (PHENIX) - Most models expected decrease RAA at high pT. J/-h 3 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
In this talk… Outline: Selected recent STAR results on medium properties Collectivity and Thermalization Particle production and Parton propagation Energy density & Energy loss Near-term program Physics plans and goals for upcoming runs Summary 4 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
Thermalization Differential v2 studies No participant-eccentricity scaling Fitting function: H-J Drescher et al. PRC 76, (2007) CGC e: A.Adil et al. PRC 74, (2006) With the assumption that parton cross section (σ) is same for all ID’d particles, a universal trend of approaching hydro limit is established. Anti-correlation found between σ and Cs. Good constraint on EoS Dense medium flowing with minimal shear viscosity Sizeable v2 for f mesons, nq scaling partonic nature Assuming same parton σ for all hadrons universal trend toward hydro limit v2 / e ~ 30% below ideal hydro (even central collisions) Knudsen number K is not 0 as for ideal hydro Ideal Hydro? 5 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
Angular pair correlations
Au+Au 200 GeV STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary Fit function = !! per-particle quadrapole : universal trend above 13 GeV Soft component: Longitudinal Fragmentation(“strings”) 1D Gaussian, US pairs HBTpeak at origin, LS pairs Hard component: Minijets2D Gaussian at origin, away-side peak actually cos(φΔ) 62 and 200 have the same shape, • Substantial amp. change with energy Nu = <Nbin> / <Npart/2> per-particle quadrapole : universal trend above 13 GeV + soft hard 6 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
Low pT ridge Same-side evolution 83-94% 55-65% ηΔ width STAR Preliminary 46-55% 0-5% 200 GeV 62 GeV STAR Preliminary Transverse particle density peak amplitude peak η width Little shape change from peripheral to 55% centrality Large change within ~10% centrality What causes this rapid transition? Smaller change from transition to most central Sharp transition in both amplitude and width at ρ ~ 2.5 Similar ρ-trends at 62 and 200 GeV 7 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
Intermediate pT ridge Production mechanisms p+p / p++p-
Au+Au 0-10% STAR preliminary 3 < pt,trig< 4 GeV/c pt,assoc. > 2 GeV/c pTtrig > 4.0 GeV/c 2.0 < pTAssoc < pTtrig Au+Au: 2 < pTtrig < 3 GeV/c Cu+Cu: 3 < pTtrig < 6 GeV/c p+p / p++p- Weak dependence of ridge yield on pT,trig Relative contribution reduces with pT,trig Strong deta-dphi asymmetry suggests coupling to longitudinal flow Baryon/meson ratio in ridge close to inclusive, in jet close to p+p Different production mechanisms for ridge and jet? Jet+ridge yields follow similar trend in pT for all trigger types Production mechanisms for jet and ridge are different
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dh-Dh correlations No acceptance 3<pTTrig<10 GeV/c 1<pTAsso<3 GeV/c No apparent substructure – no gluon fragments/flow coupling? No cross-like term – ridge and cone decoupled? STAR Preliminary d+Au deta-deta structure: central peak + uniform Note absence of excess along axes: no jet+ridge events? Au+Au 0-12% STAR Preliminary 9 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
Charge-ordering in Dh-Dh
Charge-ordering in Jet No ordering in Ridge Ridge (T- A+ ) = Ridge (T+ A+) Ridge (T+ A-) = Ridge (T- A- ) STAR Preliminary Tlike,AAlike : Only ridge Tunlike,AAlike: Jet + Ridge Use charge-ordering for Jet-Ridge separation 2*(AAlikeTunlike – AAlikeTlike ) STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary 10 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
Path-length effects 0º 90º in-plane fS=0 out-of-plane fS=90o 3<pTtrig<4GeV/c 1 < pTasso < 1.5GeV/c STAR Preliminary 20-60% Jet peak shows little changes from d+Au to central Au+Au collisions Ridge decreases from in-plane to out-of-plane Ridge |Dh|>0.7 STAR Preliminary 11 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
Jet-energy calibration
Direct g - hadron correlations Direct 0 Associated yield/Ntrig STAR Preliminary QCD Compton Scattering suppression similar to inclusives in central collisions The away-side yield per trigger of direct gamma triggers shows smaller value compared to pi0 triggers which is consistent with partons loose energy “dense medium” and then fragment. 1st measurement of away-side -h correlations Suppression similar level as Note : Ejet = E p0 -triggers are from higher energy parton, and more surface-biased Away-side yield results consistent with in-medium parton energy loss scenario 12 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
Full jet reconstruction
In Au+Au collisions! Will allow direct measurements of jet spectra and fragmentation functions in AA STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary No apparent modification with respect to pp!? To do: need to understand trigger bias ξ not yet corrected for jet energy shift due to quenching STAR Preliminary 13 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
The “QCD factory” STAR – new advances in studies of medium properties, new questions Dense QCD medium, strong coupling with parton Eloss Differential qualitative studies of the medium: precise jet FF measurements, energy loss, “ridgeology”, colour-charge effects ? Conventional hydro picture, initial eccentricity ? ? Mechanisms of jet-medium interactions ? Systematically study the partonic medium properties at RHIC RHIC stochastic cooling +STAR detector upgrades: High precision measurements, strong pQCD tests 14 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
STAR: the near future Longitudinal and transverse spin programs - Study proton intrinsic properties Forward programs - Study low-x properties and search for CGC Tagged forward protons - Study elastic and inelastic process - Investigate gluonic exchanges and search for gluonic matter RHIC beam energy scan - Search for critical point - Chiral symmetry restoration 15 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
Search for QCD Critical Point
Strategy: Search for disappearance of dense medium effects Search for onset of de-confinement Evolution of the system is attracted to the critical point Focusing causes broadening of signal region Scan plan: Hydro predicts that the evolution of the system is attracted to the critical point. Focusing causes broadening of signal region - No need to run at exactly Critical Point energy 16 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
Energy scan test run Au+Au collisions at 9 GeV: Non-central Collision
17 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
Key measurements Hadron ratios and fluctuations STAR advantages: Large acceptance: full azimuthal coverage and |y|<1.0 Extended particle identification: (TPC, ToF, EMC) Same detector – same systematics 18 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
The STAR Upgrade MTD EMC barrel MRPC ToF barrel Ready for run 10 EMC End Cap RPSD FMS FPD TPC PMD Complete Ongoing DAQ1000 Ready for run 9 HFT FGT R&D 19 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
For more details: STAR Highlights on Strangeness Production - Anthony Timmins STAR Highlights on Heavy Quark Production - Zhangbu Xu Parallel Talks: Non-photonic electron yields in p+p Collisions at 200 GeV with reduced detector material in STAR -- Fu Jin First results from Au+Au collisions at 9.2 GeV in STAR -- Lokesh Kumar System size, energy and centrality dependence of strange hadron elliptic flow at STAR -- Hiroshi Masui Anisotropic flow: indications for incomplete thermalization -- Yuting Bai Strange hadron production in 62 GeV collisions at RHIC -- Marcelo Munhoz Thermal production of particles at RHIC–Jun Takahashi 20 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
Back Up 21 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
Angular pair correlations
Pair densities ρ(η1-η2,φ1-φ2) for all possible pairs in same and mixed events. Correlation measure: 22 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
3-particle correlation in
STAR TPC acceptance for 3-particle correlation in (||<1 and full azimuth) T : Trigger particle A1: First Associated particle A2: Second Associated particle In medium radiation + Longitudinal flow Jet fragmentation in vacuum N.Armesto Phys.Rev.Lett. 93(2004) Transverse flow boost Turbulent color field. Momentum Kick C.Y. Wong hep-ph: S.A.Voloshin, Phys.Lett.B. 632(2006)490 E.Shuryak, hep-ph: A.Majumder Phys. Rev. Lett.99(2004)042301 23 October 6-10, 2008 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago
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