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Anat Lewin @anatlewin Open Data @ World Bank Anat Lewin @anatlewin

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1 Anat Lewin @anatlewin
Open World Bank Anat Lewin @anatlewin

2 Agenda World Bank Open Data Platform Economic Value of Open Data
Open Government Data Toolkit Open Data Readiness Assessments (ODRA) ODRA Example: Antigua Implementation Moldova Kenya World Bank’s Partnership for Open Data (POD)

3 World Bank Open Data Platform
The World Bank's Open Data Initiative launched in April, 2010, providing free, open and easy access to development data, and challenging the global community to use the data to create new solutions to address poverty. Today, the World Bank's Open Data Catalog includes over 8,000 development indicators, of which 1,400 for 252 countries and 36 aggregate groupings, going back over 50 years, in 5 languages, and is continuously expanding.

4 World Bank Open Data Platform

5 In Five Languages

6 Data Catalog One-stop listing of sources
Download entire dataset, access query tool Global, regional, specialized datasets 40+ data compilations 20 datasets included in dataBank, 8000 indicators 11 datasets accessible through an API, indicators 1400 indicators in multiple languages

7 Economic Value of Open Data
In the EU, open data increases business activity by up to €40 Billion/year, and provides direct and indirect benefits up to €200 Billion/year (1.7% of EU GDP). Open Weather Data in the US has created 400 companies employing 4,000 people. A Spanish study found an increase of about €600m of business from open data with the creation of over 5000 jobs. An Australian study found a return on investment of 500% from Open Data. Mapping and transport data in particular have given rise to new industries, including a suite of global positioning system products, and ‘mashups’ that combine mapping data with public transportation or traffic data. Slide credit: Andrew Stott

8 World Bank Open Data Technical Assistance
Planned for 2014 Botswana Brazil Costa Rica Dominican Republic El Salvador Eastern Caribbean Ethiopia India Mauritius Morocco Senegal Singapore Sri Lanka Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Uruguay Zambia Afghanistan Antigua and Barbuda Burkina Faso Ghana Indonesia Kenya Macedonia Malawi Mexico Moldova Mongolia Nigeria (Edo) Nepal Paraguay Peru Philippines Tanzania Rwanda Russia (Ulyanovsk)

9 Open Government Data Toolkit
The Toolkit is designed to help governments plan and implement an open government data program, while avoiding common pitfalls.

10 Open Data Readiness Assessment
The ODRA is a tool designed to build a plan of action for Open Data, custom-tailored to a country, subnational government, city or sector It is a set of questions on 8 subjects that we consider necessary for a successful Open Data Initiative The output is an action plan and a report that provides recommendations for the particular client It is not a ranking exercise.

11 5 6 7 8 ODRA Methodology Eight Pillars Leadership
Policy / Legal Framework Institutional Structure Data within Government Demand / Citizen Engagement Open Data Ecosystem Financing Technology and Skills Infrastructure

12 Antigua ODRA Inputs US$ 75K of grant funding
World Bank ODRA team (4), Counterpart team (5), regional partner team (4) with expertise in Open Data, eGovernment, Legal, Statistics, IT, Database management, local context One month intensive preparation time prior to visit: weekly coordination conference calls, VCs, extensive communication

13 Antigua ODRA Outputs 1 week ODRA mission in April 2013
Public forum to launch ODRA, media attendance 24 interviews with government officials and Ministers Meetings with Chamber of Commerce, Information Commissioner, IT Developers, Media, University of West Indies Seminar at World Bank over VC to report on preliminary findings ODRA delivered / published in June 2013 Public forum in June 2013 to present ODRA findings Extensive media coverage throughout: Press conference, radio interview, government website, social media, front page of national newspaper, editorial and business magazine story

14 Antigua ODRA Findings Institutional recommendations
Data release recommendations Political case for Open Data needs to be developed and agreed by Cabinet A clear political leader needs to be empowered on behalf of government Policies, licensing, pricing need to be developed Staged release of data, starting with quick wins and leveraging existing projects Potential data users need to be engaged in dialogue on what data they want Leverage regional initiatives Stage 1: Quick win data sets include weather, education data needing minimal reformatting Stage 2: Data requiring additional work to mash up with maps include disaster management, business identifiers (Inland Revenue), registers of professionals (doctors, lawyers, vets, architects) and property prices. Stage 3: Data requiring some work for publication include government budget and spending data, tourism data, census data. Stage 4: Data requiring policy work prior to publication include land registration and government procurement data. Stage 5: Data requiring digitization include Company Register, Agriculture, and Health.

15 Antigua & Barbuda ODRA Outcomes
Minister in charge of ICT establishes Open Data Readiness Unit, appoints Head Unit is working to upload the quick wins data sets identified by the ODRA Cabinet is considering an Open Data declaration Technical Assistance on Open Data for Resilience / Disaster Management installed GeoNode open source spatial data platform Assessment unlocked grant funding to implement

16 “Good News on the Information Front”
ANTIGUA “We could not be happier as we witness what appears to be a serious attempt to bring Antigua & Barbuda fully into the information age. A highly important plan to make information available to the public, at little or no direct cost, has been in the news recently. The plan is for an “Open Data” information system to be established so that the public can get access to non-sensitive information, which the government has at its disposal. This is one initiative involving the government of Antigua & Barbuda that seems to have an excellent chance of successful implementation. More importantly, it could be the catalyst for a whole new wave of entrepreneurship among our people.” “Good News on the Information Front” Editorial June 26th, 2013

17 Chateaubelair Georgetown Congo Valley Buccament

18 Antigua GeoNode: 47 Layers


20 Implementation Implement the ODRA Action Plan
Launch an Open Data Initiative Digitize datasets Address legal issues e.g. data privacy, licensing Build Open Data Platform Engage with developer community Consult with business community Make data easy to understand Visualize opened data sets Mashup with geo-tagged and geo-coded data Map Open Data Continue engagement with demand side, through TechCamps, Hackathons, Innovation challenges, App Competitions and Offer the media training through Journalism Bootcamps Keep opening data

21 Moldova

22 Moldova’s Open Data Platform
Launched: April 2011 Upgraded: February 2014, v3.0 Number of datasets: 732 Externally hosted applications: 19 Publishing institutions: 38 Most active: Ministry of Health & Ministry of the Interior Open Source Platform CKAN & Drupal. Agencies upload raw data directly onto the portal. Number of unique visitors: ~ 3,000/month Number of downloads: ~ 7,000 – 10,000/month

23 Kenya – 547 datasets

24 Lessons Top Leadership / Championship is key
Start simple, build incremental Quality improves when data is opened Build capacity on using opened data Make data easy to understand Engage the Demand side

25 Analytical Work

26 Partnership for Open Data (POD)
An initiative designed to help policy makers and citizens in developing countries understand and build on the benefits of open data. Members: The World Bank, the Open Data Institute and the Open Knowledge Foundation Global partnership to help policy makers and citizens in developing countries understand and exploit benefits of open data Other partners identified during scoping exercise (e.g. ICFJ, DATA, OXFAM, etc.) Open to additional members

27 Partnership for Open Data (POD)
An initiative designed to help policy makers and citizens in developing countries understand and build on the benefits of open data. Objectives: Supporting developing countries to plan, execute and run open data initiatives Increasing re-use of open data in developing countries Growing the base of evidence on the impact of open data for development

28 Partnership for Open Data (POD)
An initiative designed to help policy makers and citizens in developing countries understand and build on the benefits of open data. Activities: Training programs for civil servants and for civil society organizations and researchers Researching metrics for open data, economic and social value of open data (e.g. virtual library) and apps re-use Technical Assistance: ODRA and implementation of ODRAs in developing countries

29 Partnership for Open Data (POD)
An initiative designed to help policy makers and citizens in developing countries understand and build on the benefits of open data. Activities: Developing guidelines/standards for Governments to release data in open formats for demand-side interventions Networking: organize workshops, conferences, seminars to develop open data networks Communications and marketing: publish stories and case studies on the impact of open data

30 Meet the Team. How Can We Help You?

31 @anatlewin + 1 (202) 458-2390
Shukran شكرا جزيلا @anatlewin + 1 (202)

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