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Technical Meeting English Debate Competition Mechanical Language Club

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1 Technical Meeting English Debate Competition Mechanical Language Club
Wednesday, 20 February 2013

2 Mechanism of English Debate
Total battles is 7, with 30 minutes per battle

3 Style of debate is british parliamentary debating (3-v-3) Govt Bench
Opp Bench Opening Half Prime Minister Leader of the Opposition Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Leader of the Opposition Closing Half Govt Whip Opposition Whip Four Sections : Opening Govrnment Opening Opposition Closing Government Closing Opposition Dividing into two benches : Government (Pro) Opposition (Conta) Dividing into two halves : Opening Half Closing Half

4 Detail of British Parliamentary Debating
Speakers alternate Each speaker speaks once (no replies) Each speech goes for 4 minutes 1 minute ‘protected time’ at beginning 2 minutes in which Points of Information may be asked 1 minute ‘protected time’ at end Topics are almost always normative ‘That this House would/should…’

5 Conditions During Debate
should not get in and get out from the room during debate Knock the table or alarm will be given after 1, 3 and 4 minutes talking finish Each team is trying to win the debate for itself Analogy of coalition partners On the same side of an issue, but have different points of view (because they represent different interests) Must be consistent with your opening team Can ignore parts of their case if strategically burdensome but must avoid directly contradicting opening team (‘knifing’)

6 Points of Information (PoIs)
A PoI is a question asked of the speaker who has the floor PoIs are asked in middle 3 minutes of all speakers’ speeches Can be asked by any speaker of the opposing bench Speaker of opposing bench offers the PoI Points are offered by standing, adopting the appropriate pose, and saying ‘Point of Information’ or ‘On that point’ Speaker who has the floor may decline or accept an offerred PoI If accepted, offering speaker has 15 seconds to ask a question Speaker who has the floor then responds to the PoI Speaker who has the floor may choose how many PoIs to accept, and when to do so Should accept at least one POI and not more than three.

7 Speaker Roles Prime Minister Contextualises the motion Provides model
‘Semi-divine right of definition’: must be a reasonable definition not a truism consider ‘spirit of the motion’ Provides model Signposts Opening Govt team’s case Signposts own material Presents important arguments (Similar to a First Affirmative speaker)

8 Speaker Roles Leader of the Opposition
Provides counter-model (if strategically desirable) Signposts Opening Opposition team’s case Signposts own material Presents substantive arguments (Similar to a First Negative speaker)

9 Speaker Roles Deputy Prime Minister Rebut Leader of the Opposition
Signpost own substantive material Provide substantive arguments Similar to a Second Affirmative Speaker

10 Speaker Roles Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Rebut Opening Government’s material Signpost own substantive material Provide substantive arguments Similar to a Second Negative Speaker

11 Speaker Roles Government / Opposition Whip
Rebut opposing bench’s material (strategic decision as to who much to rebut Opening and Closing) Strengthen own Extension through rebuttal No new arguments Summarise debate

12 How to Win – Adjudication Criteria
Teams ranked first through to fourth Debate will be decided on two things: 1. Role fulfilment Did you do your job? 2. Power and control Did your team’s material carry weight in the debate? Did your team use PoIs strategically and effectively?

13 Note: in BP you can win the debate without winning the argument
Don’t forget the basics Signposting, rebuttal, argument structure, manner Do your job! Remember role fulfilment Opening Govt: set up a good debate Opening Opp: respond well to opening case Closing teams: have an extension, preferably a strong one Make your material matter Try to be the team bringing the best/most important arguments to the debate

14 Be in control – own the room
Even just offering PoIs (without being accepted) can be useful Offer PoIs wisely Opening teams use PoIs to bring debate back to there material Closing teams use PoIs to (discretely) flag their extension Accept PoIs from both halves of the debate Respond to PoIs effectively

15 The Motions Alternative motion of preliminary round
This house agree that Indonesia should censor the internet This house believes that cigarette company should be banned in Indonesia This house would support the moratorium on remission for convicted corruptors This house believes the boy band and girl band has a positive impact to progress of Indonesian music This house believe that naturalization of foreign players is more effective to progress of the Indonesian national team

16 The Motions Alternative motion of semifinals and final
This house believes that Rhoma Irama is suit to be the next president of Indonesia This house believes that english should be eliminated from the curriculum of elementary school in Indonesia This house believes that RSBI School should be eliminated in Indonesia This house believes that Indonesia’s capital city “Jakarta” should be moved

17 Performance ; Gesture Pronounciation Expression Attitude

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