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City of Quinte West Business Retention & Expansion Project Retail/Commercial Sectors September 28, 2016 Report Highlights.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Quinte West Business Retention & Expansion Project Retail/Commercial Sectors September 28, 2016 Report Highlights."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Quinte West Business Retention & Expansion Project Retail/Commercial Sectors September 28, 2016 Report Highlights

2 Introduction and Methodology
Purpose – Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) is “a structured action-oriented, community-based approach to business and economic development. It promotes job growth by helping communities learn about issues as well as opportunities for local businesses and sets priorities for initiatives to address their needs”. (OMAFRA) April 25 – letter of project introduction from Mayor Harrison and Chair of the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee, Councillor Kotsovos, sent to 149 qualifying businesses to encourage participation Interviews took place in May and June with 93 businesses participating from all areas of Quinte West No critical ‘red flag’ issues identified – few minor issues reported to Manager of Economic Development and Tourism Services for follow up

3 Survey Results Company Information Business Activity
Labour Force Development Market Share Competition Incentives Local Community Marketing and Technology

4 Company Information Breakdown of survey sample:
*other – tourism, construction, land development and wholesale Breakdown of locations: Average of 9.9 full time employees (925) per business interviewed; 522 additional employees were part-time Sector % of Total Retail 34% Food and Beverage 8% Service/Professional 33% Recreation/Hospitality 4% Health/Fitness 5% Other* 16% Area Completions % of Total Downtown Trenton 6 7% Frankford 12 13% Trenton East 31 33% Trenton West 25 27% Outlying Areas* 19 20% Total 93 100%

5 Key Themes Business Assistance Frankford Development
Workforce Development and Training Communications Recruitment, Marketing and Promotions Creating an Enabling Environment Waterfront Development

6 Recommendations Background – The City of Quinte West has completed a number of Business Retention & Expansion projects over the past several years. These surveys have helped to develop an atmosphere of open communication between City Hall and our business leaders. The BR+E program has been highly valued by the business community because it has resulted in tangible actions, such as, the following: Transit service enhancements Infrastructure improvements Downtown revitalization Waterfront development Collaborative marketing projects Signage enhancements Cultural and recreation development Public safety improvements

7 Business Assistance The City of Quinte West has an opportunity to assist businesses to increase their satisfaction levels of doing business in the area by responding to their issues and concerns under municipal jurisdiction. Continue to explore options and work with community partners to assist Quinte West businesses with their expansion plans Collaborate with Public Works & Environmental Services to review traffic flow within Trenton and determine effect on businesses in the area, including Sidney Street underpass and bridges Develop a plan of training and information sessions for businesses as per their requests through the BR+E survey, such as, the following: Networking sessions E-marketing Marketing Customer service employee training Website development Succession planning

8 Frankford Development
Frankford Ward has issues that are unique to Quinte West and should be addressed through further consultation and assistance as an area with increasing tourism and economic significance to the area. Consider the possibility of designating Quinte West as a tourist area allowing holiday openings Conduct more research within the business community of Frankford and consider a Task Group to identify concerns, as well as potential opportunities, including its identification with the Quinte West brand

9 Workforce Development & Training
To meet the City’s goals in business attraction and to respond to their workforce needs, the following is recommended. Develop a strategy to promote and communicate information on local employee assistance to the business community Include the availability of employment and quality of life in targeted marketing campaigns within larger metropolitan areas and continue offering bi-annual career fairs in partnership with the City of Belleville Work with Loyalist College and other Community Partners to offer programs where there is an identified void within the business community

10 Communications The City of Quinte West has several communication opportunities to better improve the level of information received by local businesses to help them grow individually and collectively as a thriving and informed business community. To create a higher level of awareness of the municipality’s role in business growth in the area (E-newsletters, quarterly reports, Shop Local supplements, radio, digital campaigns and social media) The City will work with local organizations to create a greater awareness of funding and incentives available to local businesses along with creating a higher level of awareness of each organizations role in business development Develop a Communications Strategy to inform businesses about local events, municipal programs and other announcements related to business growth i.e. City events, Career fairs, CIP Program, Capital Plan Projects, road repairs etc. Launch a Pingstreet Campaign - Demonstration of the Pingstreet App

11 Recruitment, Marketing & Promotions
It will be important to create a marketing campaign which addresses the many strengths of the City, as well as promoting it as a place with an excellent quality of life leading to new residential, business and visitation growth. Develop a consumer targeted marketing campaign focused on young families (age 25-40) and within a strategically defined catchment area considered to be ‘neighbouring communities’ Include strengths and assets identified in BR+E including affordable cost of living/doing business, quality of life, location, 8 Wing/CFB Trenton, supportive municipal government and waterfront and natural features of the area Business recruitment initiatives should include those noted in the BR+E study, particularly high-end and/or branded restaurants, retail, office and building supplies and wholesalers Target the strategy towards identified gaps

12 Creating an Enabling Environment
Businesses in Quinte West have highlighted specific areas when addressed, will lead to a more robust and productive business community, enticing to new business growth, residential development and enhanced visitation. Continue the positive work evident in downtown areas to extend to commercial areas in East and West areas of the City. Enhancing and improving the entrances to the City should be considered, particularly at the intersection of the 401/Sidney Street Review current transit routing and consider expansions based on suggestions from businesses Research ways to offer increased levels of exposure to businesses located in the outlying area, such as through signage, to promote those businesses that are more difficult to find and to support their efforts to grow their business

13 Creating an Enabling Environment
Continue to work with local cultural service providers to increase and promote offerings within the municipality Continue to work with all levels of government to maintain and increase medical services within the City Continue efforts to improve the appearance of areas with empty storefronts and vacant properties through the use of storefront facades, local art and window displays etc. Review parking in the downtown areas of the City including new technologies and promotion of parking areas Work with service providers to ensure a high level of internet/broadband service in all areas of the City

14 Waterfront Development
The Trent Port Marina and future waterfront development in proximity and along the Trent Severn Waterway is recognized by businesses as a key player in the social and economic growth of the City of Quinte West. Develop a strategy and procedure to promote local events, concerts and attractions to visitors and marina users Consider a ‘daily message board’ to keep boaters and visitors aware of things to see/do in the area Ensure promotion of local businesses and related services to marina patrons Continue enhancement, promotion and development of non-motorized water based activities i.e. kayaking, paddle boards, etc. Work with the private sector to encourage residential waterfront growth Continue waterfront development including trail development, viewing and picnic areas

15 Moving Forward Research potential funding opportunities and partnerships to assist in implementing recommendations of the City of Quinte West Retail/Commercial Business Retention and Expansion Project 2016. The City of Quinte West and the Economic Development and Tourism Services Department invites you to contact them at any time with questions, suggestions and input. Your involvement is appreciated and the City along with our partners will continue to develop strategies to foster growth and stability within our Community. Full report available at

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