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Organising Your Work Skills Placement

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Presentation on theme: "Organising Your Work Skills Placement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organising Your Work Skills Placement

2 Why do Work Placement? The main aim of Work Placement is to give you an insight into the world of work. It may help determine your future career path before leaving school in Year 12 or 14.

3 Benefits of Work Placement
See what is involved in a particular job area Get experience in a career you wish to pursue May be the opportunity of a job/ apprenticeship when you leave school Get an employer’s reference for future jobs/ courses Enhance your CV

4 Previous Placements Media – Radio/ TV/ Newspapers IT Schools
Coaching; e.g. football Mechanics Hair and Beauty Catering Leisure and Tourism; e.g. hotels, leisure centres

5 Where to go? I don’t know what I want to do when I leave school Think about: What subjects you like and/or are good at Any jobs you are interested in finding out more about Any general areas of interest

6 How to find a placement Discuss it with someone at home
Ask if they know anyone who could help you with a placement Ask friends if their family could help you Search Yellow Pages ( for suitable placement - write down all company phone numbers/ addresses.

7 How to contact the Employer
Make a phone call to the employer Think about what you will say before calling them – have it written down on paper. Ask someone to phone on your behalf Call into the office/ employer yourself (letter of interest provided) the employer – be sure to use spell check before sending it Always keep a record of the person you spoke with, the date and time!!

8 What the employer may ask:
Are you insured by the school? be sure to mention that the school will insure you for the work placement What do you know about us? Look up their website to find out what they do What are the dates for your placement? Monday 19th – Wednesday 21st June 2017 (inclusive)

9 What the Employer might say:
They work with a company called Charter If this is the case, you must speak to Mr Gardner or Mrs Bingham Charter takes at least 3 months to organise a placement and there are no guarantees

10 What if your employer does not get back to you:
If employer tells you they will get back to you and do not, call them as a reminder. The sooner you get your placement organised, the less hassle you will have finding somewhere.

11 When you get your placement
Get all the employer details: Name of company Address (including the postcode) Phone Number Name of person who will be in charge of you Their position in the company, e.g. manager Make sure you write the above information down!

12 If you cannot find a placement
Come and speak to me (Mr Gardner) and I will help you find a placement; however you must: Have a list of numbers you have previously tried Come to me before the deadline. Deadline – Friday 7th April 2017 Put this date in your H/W Diary!

13 What do I do when I have organised my placement?
In your next Careers lesson, you will be shown how to upload the employer information online. Each Year 11 Form & Careers Class will have a Step – by – Step guide on how to complete the procedures involved in organising your Work Experience.

14 What next? Permission Slip Find Placement Online Form Documentation

15 Online Form

16 This is a great opportunity, make the most of it!
Good Luck  This is a great opportunity, make the most of it!

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