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Reflections on Irish primary education

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Presentation on theme: "Reflections on Irish primary education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflections on Irish primary education
Not what you must do but some thoughts from a humble visitor  Pasi Sahlberg CIMO Helsinki 29 January 2011 IPPN 2011, Dublin, IRELAND 1

2 Unemployment rate (%) in Finland
Number of SNS Number of immigrants Source: Statistics Finland

3 GDP at market prices in Finland (Mil €)
Source: Statistics Finland

4 Education expenditure (% of GNI) in Finland

5 Primary school teachers
Admired profession Trusted professionals Collegial responsibility Researched-based degree

6 Applicants to Finnish primary school teacher education programs 2001-10

7 Applicants to Finnish primary school teacher education programs 2001-10
Admission: 1st Phase nd Phase rd Phase - high school merits exam role play/micro teaching - other merits interview

8 The Finnish Way

9 Global movement vs. The Finnish Way
Global educational reform movement (germ) The Finnish Way Literacy and numeracy Broad and creative learning Standardization Customization Test-based accountability Professional responsibility Market-based management Educational leadership Data and control Collaboration and trust

10 Higher education for primary teachers

11 Higher education for primary teachers
Smart strategy for improvement

12 Higher education for primary teachers
Smart strategy for improvement Keeping up the staff morale

13 go raibh maith agat!

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