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Blood Typing Antigen-protein on red blood cells

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1 Blood Typing Antigen-protein on red blood cells
Antibody-immunity found in plasma against certain antigens Agglutination=clumping=(+)

2 Blood Typing Blood Type Antigens Antibodies O None Anti-A & anti-B A
AB A and B

3 Blood typing Universal donor – O Universal recipient – AB
RH factor – antigen on the D antigen

4 Anti-A Serum Anti-B Serum Anti-Rh Serum Blood Type Slide #1 Mr. Smith Slide #2 Mr. Jones Slide #3 Mr. Green Slide #4 Mrs. Brown

5 Erythroblastosis fetalis
Potentially life-threatening blood disorder in a fetus or newborn RH- mother gives birth to a RH + baby Causes destruction of the red blood Low muscle tone Developmental delay Jaundice –yellowing of the skin First born infants are usually not affected Prevention is the best treatment -RhoGAM

6 Lymph & Lymphatic Tissue
The lymph system is a network of organs, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, and lymph vessels that produce and transport lymph from tissues to the bloodstream. Lymph – watery substance formed from fluid that filters into the body’s tissues Maintain body’s fluid balance Immunity

7 Lymphatic tissues Tonsils Thymus Spleen Nodes Lymph vessels

8 Tonsils Palantine Pharyngeal AKA: adenoids lingual

9 Thymus Located in center of upper chest
Lymphocytes mature -Production of T-cells After puberty it is gradually replaced by fat and connective tissue

10 Spleen Largest lymphoid mass Stores 1 pint of blood
Filters bacteria & foreign substances so that they may be destroyed by leukocytes

11 Lymph Vessels & Nodes Located in all body tissues except brain and placenta Nodes are located in clusters along the path of lymph vessels Biological filters that remove bacteria and cancerous cells Swell during infection

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